Carry On

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Now, this is a chapter that will feautre some sadder songs as the Glee club start to support Ryley with her dark past been revealed to the school. One of the songs are actually a rap sort of song but it's kind of going to be like a normal singing song (Same Love)



"Ryley hasn't turned up to school for a couple of days." Ryder points out during Glee club as he walks in with Marley and Jake.

"Yeah. Have you talked to her Marley?" Jake asks.

"No. I mean, I've texted her and I've messaged her on Facebook and she hasn't been responding." Marley says.

"Who would have told the entire school about this?" Ryder asks.

"I did." A voice says from behind Marley, Jake and Ryder. The three turn to see Kitty, smirking.

"I'm gonna get you!" Ryder shouts, launching himself at Kitty. Jake stops him and Marley looks shocked.

"Dude, you can't hit a girl!" Jake shouts.

"But she did this to Ryley?" Ryder asks.

Marley can tell that Ryder is definetely into Ryley a lot by this. He's standing up for her and wants to hurt whoever hurts Ryley. That is dedication to someone.

"Why did you do this, Kitty?" Marley asks.

"She stole things from me. The attention, the cute Bieber haired guy, the ex-bullimic best friend and the solos." Kitty says, still smirking.

"Kitty, you've hurt Ryley so much," Ryder starts, "She's had so much crap in her life."

"Wait, how did you find out?" Marley asks.

"I was in the cubicle next to you and Attitude problems when she told you." Kitty says.

"You're always hurting everyone, aren't you?" Jake asks.

"It's what makes me happy." Kitty says, smiling.

Ryder sighs and takes a seat at the back of the class. Everyone else arrives followed by Finn and Mr Schue to start Glee club.


Ryley lay in her bedroom, the door locked and the curtains pulled. On the TV screen, the movie playing is Toy Story 3 and Pink's music is playing throught out her room. Her Grandma went out shopping for the day and knows that Ryley's secret was revealed at school.

As the music blasted and the movie played, another text from Marley made her phone buzz. It read:

Ryley, we're all really worried. Ryder and I especially. Pls reply. We know who told the school

Ryley replies immediately with:

Talk to me

Ryley's phone then rings playing Oath as that is the song she sent for when Marley calls her.

"Hello?" Ryley answers.

"Hey. So we know who told the school." Marley says.




"She was jealous of all the attention you were getting."

"How did she find out?"

"She heard us talking in the toilet cubicle when you told me."


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