New York, New York (Part 1)

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Nationals this year will be in NEW YORK again.

Last time the New Directions went to Nationals in New York, it resulted in them not winning since there was the FINCHEL KISS! It was a great episode :D

Enjoy this!


"Tomorrow, we are heading on a bus to head to Nationals in New York. I can't believe we've made it again." Finn says during a Glee club meeting one Thursday.

"I bet Finn's only excited since he gets to see Rachel." Sugar whispers to Unique, Marley and Ryley.

"That's not the only good reason, Sugar." Finn says, clearly hearing what Sugar had said.

"We have a weekend of fun in New York before we get into the hard rehearsals. We are two times running National champs. Winning again would be amazing." Mr Schue says.

"Let's do this!" Charlie shouts.

"Yeah!" Ryder, Jake and Joe cheer.

"We can do it!" Ryley and Marley shout.

"Let's get into a circle." Finn says. Everyone gets down from their seats and form a circle.

"We are the New Directions. We are amazing. We've won Nationals twice. We are hopefully unbeatable. This is our chance to be three times in a row National champions. Hands in." Finn says.

Everyone puts their hands in.

"New York on three. One, Two, Three..." Finn says.

"NEW YORK!" Everyone shouts then start to hug, hi-five and fist bump each other.


The next day (Friday), everyone arrives with suitcases to put on the bus with a large banner on it saying 'NEW YORK HERE WE COME!'. They all get on the bus with their iPods, phones, laptops and iPads. Their chaperones are Finn, Mr Schue, Emma and Coach Beiste. Beiste is the bus driver.

Ryley and Marley are throwing lollies at each other seeing how many they can catch in their mouths. Jake, Ryder, Charlie, Abraham and Joe are discussing musicians (eg; Macklemore, Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, Labrinth, The Lonely Island, The Script etc). Wade, Sugar, Aylin and Nellie are talking about the latest fashion releases and hot celebs (One Direction is mentioned the most) and Kitty is alone, filing her nails to make them sharper (Possibly wanting them to be her weapons).

"We need some music to liven up this bus ride." Ryley shouts, chewing on a peanut butter M&M.

"Hell yea!" Ryder shouts.

"Someone, crack up the tunes!" Abraham shouts.

[Ryley, Aylin and Marley:]

We are one tonight

And we're breathing in the same air

So turn up the love

Turn up the love

We're turnin' up the love

Everyone has turns showing off their dance moves down the aisle of the bus.

[Abraham (with New Directions):]

Just turn it up now

Get get it poppin', hot tamale

Ryley and Ryder dance now the aisle just like they did during the duet of Moves Like Jagger.

Dirty bass, (We so body body)

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