When All Goes Bad

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You think that when you meet someone, you've got them all figured out in under ten minutes. You think you don't have to second guess them. But then there's that one, the one that changes your perspective of everything.

They do something to change your mind about them. Either good or bad. That's when you think to yourself 'don't judge a book by its cover'. You're stuck thinking, "they did that? I thought they'd never do something like that!" And that's when you think 'am I really what people judge me as?'

Chapter one

"Delilah, let's go. Now!" Mom shouts to me. Remember before when I said people can change your perspective of them? Welcome to exhibit A: My mother Charlie. Dad left when I was ten, and mom turned for the worst. She grew distant and started drinking. She withdrew from motherhood and hated me because she says I look so much like my father. She hated to look at me so much that it became abusive.

"Yes, mother, I'm coming!" I say softly, as to not upset her, walking down the stairs. She walks past me to the car and starts it. She's sending me to my uncles house in London for the summer. She says it can help me with my 'attitude' and 'respect' problems. I sit in the passenger's seat after putting my luggage in the trunk. "Mom, you don't have to-"

I'm cut off by a sharp daring look and a hard slap across the face. "When you come back I promise you, you won't be so dumb and you will respect the hell outta me!" She yells pealing out of the drive and off the the airport. I see my friends. They're all chilling on their lawns and tanning. As they look at me in the car passing by, they wave and send a sorrowed look. They know I'm going to my uncles. They know he's worse than my mother.

Mom pulls into the drop off just long enough to get my body and bags out of the car. "Get out. See you when you get back." She spit at me and left. I mean she literately spat at me. I whip it off in disgust and walk into the airport. I check in and go to my plane. 'Don't look back.' I tell myself. So I don't, and I find my seat on the plane. There's a lot of commotion coming from first class.

"Excuse me. We need another seat. If you're willing to trade your seat, we'll put you in first class." A flight attendent asked me. I agreed and she walks me to my new seat. I see the back of a guys head. Kinda looks like Liam Paynes. You know, from One Direction. But I know it's not. What were the odds? I chuckle to myself.

"Can I get a cup o' tea please?" A British guy asked the flight attendant. She said "Yes Mr. Tomlinson, right away." TOMLINSON!? There is only one Tomlinson I know of. I get up. I walk past him, pretending to go to the bathroom. IT IS LOUIS FREAKING TOMLINSON FROM ONE FREAKING DIRECTION! I walk right past him to the bathroom. I do a little freak dance thing in private before looking myself in the mirror.

"Calm down. Play it cool." I tell myself before I walk back to my seat. Of course my heart is absolutely racing. As I walk back past him calm, cool, and collected, he grabs my arm. "Love, could you do me a favor?" He asked. His eyes are pools of sea green and so sweet. His voice pulling me in like honey. I feel like I'm in a trance. Like before your bloods sucked out by a vampire. I nod yes. "Sit with my friend he's terribly scared of flying." He points to Niall freaking Horan. I nod yes and go over to him mindlessly.

He's kind of freaking out. Both hands are gripping the arm rests. His blue eyes nearly popping out of his skull. I place a hand on his shoulder and he goes to scream. I quickly place a hand on his mouth and my other to my lips. "Louis wanted me to come and sit with you." I looked at Louis, who nods at Niall. He clams down a bit. "Why are you so freaked out?" I ask. He tells me of his fear of planes and I tell him everything will be fine.

Everything for him will be fine. It's an eighteen hour flight to London. And the whole time Niall and I ate chatting away. Liam comes over with Zayn. We all get to know each other. They're so funny.

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