Uncle Ben

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Many times we over think things. Like, 'did I leave the oven on?' or 'why's he staring at me? Something in my teeth?' We think that it's a safe thing to do, when really; it only gets us in trouble. We don't think so at the time. But it really does. Sometimes, it's hard to look the other way........ When looking in this direction, keeps you smiling.

Chapter two

"Delilah, where you going when you get off the plane?" Harry asks. I tell him I'm going to my Uncle Bens for the summer. They tell me this is the summer they have off and that we should hang out some time. I quickly deny the offer. Neither Ben, nor mother would like it if I were actually having fun. They beg for me to change my mind. I tell them we'll see.

When we land, Ben's not here. I find my bags at sit down on a bench outside. I look at my phone, 1:23, twenty three minutes late. Seven more and I'll call him. A van pulls up and loads a family of six. I look around, no sign of Uncle Ben anywhere. I call him. "You've called Ben, I'll call back later" answering machine. I get up and walk back inside.

"Where have you been?!" someone asked me. I turned around to see Ben towering over me. "Don't look so weak. Stand tall, carry your bags, let's go." He grabs my arm. I whimper from his tight grip. "Your mama said not to let ya go home if you haven't changed over summer. And I promised her you'd be bettah. Get in the car." And with that he drove to his flat. He pulled into the drive. He made me carry my four bags by myself. Saying it would make me stronger.

I already hate this summer. Mom hates everything about me. The fact that I have dads green/blue eyes, and his dirty blonde hair, and that I am a little over weight. She tells me all the time, 'you're just not pretty enough' when dad calls me, she tells him I'm the worst child ever. When he talks, he doesn't talk, he yells at me because my mother thinks I'm the worst child in the world.

Mom doesn't get the whole 'treat others the way you want to be treated' thing. She has more of the 'respect me or I'll beat you' kind of thinking. I always felt bad for mom and Ben. Grandpa Hemmings was really rough on them. That's why they're like this now. They give what they received. I look out the window of my room for the summer. A small room at that. Ben doesn't have a wife, anymore. She got tired of him being mean and rude to her.

She left. Just like dad did. His kids come and visit him sometimes. Like every third Friday. That's it. They don't like coming over because he calls them worthless pieces of shit. And they aren't. They're really smart. But just like mom, he never sees the bright side of things.

"You're making dinner tonight!" Uncle Ben yelled up the stairs. I said okay. I looked at the clock. 4:15. Cool. I ask Uncle Ben when he wants dinner. "6 o'clock. Sharp." I nod and walk out of the room. He yanks my arm back. "That means start cooking. Now!" He growls at me. I quickly start putting things together.

"So, when you gettin a job?" He asks me. I shrug. "Excuse me! I asked a damn question. Now you better answer it!" He exclaims. I tell him I look tomorrow. "I'm going to take a nap. Dinner better be done at six sharp. Got it?" I nod and he walks out. I look at my phone. Text from Julie. Call from Kevin. And a call from unknown number? I go to my voice mail.

"Hey! We're One Direction! Haha hey Delilah. It's Niall and the lads. Call us when you get a chance! Oh and if you need something give us a ring! Bye!" How in the hell did they get my phone number!? I call them right away. Maybe they can help me find a job. Maybe I could work for them! I am a great cleaner and I can write songs.

"Hello? Delilah?" I take a second to calm myself. IM CALLING ONE DIRECTION'S PHONE! "Delilah? You okay?" Liam asks. I tell him how I need help looking for a job. I tell him what I can do. Clean, write songs, and watch kids. "Maybe you could babysit Lux!" Harry chimes in. I tell them that'd be great! And they tell me to visit their house. They live on the other side of town. A half hour drive. A two hour walk. "We'll send the limo to pick you up!" Louis practically yelled.

"Haha. Okay okay. But one thing." I said.

"Yeah?" They asked.

"My uncle Ben. He..." I lowered my voice. "He doesn't want me to have any fun this summer. Neither does my mom. They don't want me to go home if I haven't changed. And uncle Ben said that as long as I live with him, I am to do everything he says. I don't think he'd like me taking this job. I'm so sorry guys." I said, frowning.

"Oh but Delilah! Please take the job. We'd get to see you everyday!" Niall whined. "Yeah! Please!?" Zayn begged. I tell them I can't. "We have a small flat you could stay in! Right down the street from us! You could live there!" Liam suggest. They barely know me! How could they be offering me a flat already? Unless. They know how Uncle Ben is.....

"Guys. I have to make dinner. I'll call you later tonight. Okay?" I tell them. They agree and I hang up. I start dinner. A few hours later Ben strolls out of his room. "Hi Uncle Ben!" He looks at me in disgust. "I found a job." I say plopping some mashed potatoes on his plate. "It's on the other side of town. But I can get a ride. And you said that if I lived with you", I put some stake on his plate, "I have to pay you rent... and listen to you. I found a place to stay. And now before you say anything. I've already agreed to taking the job I'll come over and clean your house and stuff when I'm not working."

"No." He said simply. "No. You're not going. I promised your mother. My sister. You're not leaving. End of discussion." He said taking a bit of food. I try to plead with him. "I. Said. No. Now shut up an eat." He ordered me. I tell him no and run up stairs. He follows me. "Look here little bitch. I took you in when no one else would" he raises his hand "you will obey me! You understand!?" He hits me. On my right forearm. I whine and he hits me again. "Got it!?"

"Yeas Uncle Ben! I understand!" He leaves the room and closes the door. I pick up my bags and toss them out the window. I'm leaving. And he can look for me all he wants. I'm not going to let him find me. I notice my shoulders bleeding. I poke it. "Ow!" That really hurt.

I climb out the window. I pull out my phone and call the only people I know in London. "Hey guys. I'll take the job. Just. Can I take it tonight?" I ask they say yes and send the limo. When I arrive at the flat I walk up. Not carrying one single bag. This is going to be great.

"The boys are already in the flat miss. Himmings." The driver told me. I nod and walk in. The first thing I notice is how big it is on the inside. This place it huge. Small flat my ass. I look at the stairs. "Three floors. Three bedrooms. Three and a half baths. A dinning room and kitchen. A living room. Oh! And a den!" I jump to the sound of someone behind me. I turn to see Niall, and Harry.

"Guys! You just scared me. Don't do that!" I nearly scream. They laugh and say sorry. "Oh my god! What's wrong with your arm!?" Niall asks steps g closer. I move a step back. "It's nothing." I lie. It still really hurts. I must've cut it on the dresser when I fell due to Uncle Ben.

"That's not nothing. You're bleeding really bad, Delilah." Liam walks in. Niall tries to take another step to me. I step back. "Just wanna see, love" he says. He step closer and I don't move. I lift my sleeve up. "What happened?" He asks. I shake my head. "Please tell us." Harry says. I hake my head no. "Fine. But we're taking you to get it looked at." Louis said. "Zayn go get the car!" He yells.

We pile into the car. Niall looks more concerned than the rest of the boys. "Niall? I'll be fine. Promise. This isn't the first time something like this happened to me." I pat his leg. He give me a questionable look. I shrug. Tssshhh that hurt. I wince at the pain. "Again. That's not nothing." Niall said.

We pull into the parking lot of the hospital. Niall and Harry were sitting beside me. Liam, Louis and Zayn were in the front. They help me walk. Like I'm unable to do it myself? When the doctor sees me they rush me to the back room. They take my arm and put it in a sling. I wince once again at the pain. "Whelp, it's defiantly broke. And you've lost some blood. I want you on bed rest for a couple of days. Boys? Can I have you step out of the room for a second while I ask Delilah a few questions?" They agree and step out of the room.

"How did this happen?" He asked me. I lied and said I fell down some stairs. He looked at me scepticly but took the answer. "You look like someone I used to know. You know Drew Anderson?" He asked. That's my dad. He knows my dad? I nod yes. I tell him it's my dad. "Okay. Does he know you're here? In London? At the hospital?" I nod yes. Lying once more. "Okay. Boys! You can come in now." And he walks out. I can go.

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