Back Together

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Chapter Twenty-Five

"Wow, this place is huge. What's it called?" I asked eyeing the Chinese buffet that lay in front of me.

"China Yon. It's really good." Stan smiled. "Five please." He said the the young girl at the stand.

"Right dis way sur" she said in her accent. "What can I get you?" She asked smiling at us.

"2Sprits, 2waters and whatever she'll have." Dad said.

"Waters fine thank you." I smile as she walks off.

"Aunty Delilah, you're pretty." The one I've learned to be Benjie said to me. His blue eyes casting a meaningful look at me.

"Why thank you, Benjie." I smile, patting the top of his head. "What grade are you young fellas in?"

"Aunt Delilah!" Gorge smiled wildly laughing. "We're going into fourth!" He beamed. He sounded really happy.

"Dad and I are going to get food. Stay with the boys?" Stan asked I nodded and they left.

I watch the two boys draw on their placemats. Stealing the crayons from each other. I giggle as they argue like Louis and Harry would've done over the crayons.

Stan and dad come back and tell the boys to go get their food. I follow in suit. I'm starved, as Ni- He would say.

When I get back to the table the four guys are eating like little piggies. I giggle at them. I sit next to dad and Gorge, digging in. This place is amaZAYN. I smile at my own little thought.

When were done we go back to dads place. He shows me the guest room, which is now my room. For as long as I'd like. I'm so tired, I tell him I'm going to bed. He paces a kiss on my check and leaves me.

I was just about to crawl into bed after my shower, change of clothes, face washing, and toothbrushing my phone buzzes.


To: @DelilahHemmings1

From: @Liam_Payne

Love and miss ya! Text or call me home slice!xx

I favored it.



From: @DelilahHemmings1

We'll see!xx

I smile. My phone buzzes again. The caller ID reads 'Liam Is The Best' I giggle and hit the little green button.

"Yello?" I ask.

"Heeeeyyyyy Delilah!" Zayn, Harry Louis, and Liam chorus. I giggle.

"Sorry I left earlier without saying goodbye." I sniffle. I didn't even say goodbye to my best friends. "It was hard enough to write that note...." I trailed off.

"It's fine love! Well... For us. Niall's been a wreck." I wince at the sound of His name coming form Louis' voice. "Any who, where is lovely Delilah now?" Louis chirps.

"She is in Main with her dad, brother and twin nephews. Where is lovely One Direction?" I giggle.

"Still in Florida. Your dads house is the little white one with the green shutters you showed me in Main right?" Liam asked. It sounded like he was typing something.

"... Yeeeaaahhh? Why?" I ask, wearily.

"N-No reason. Just asking." He stuttered, and stopped typing.

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