The End

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Chapter Thirty


Things Delilah deserves:

1.) a better boyfriend

2.) a happier life

3.) her own flat

4.) her brother

5.) everything under the sun

6.) to be treated like a princess

7.) her dad

8.) less heartbreak

9.) not me

10.) Harry

"What?" I look at the note in disbelief. "Delilah, come 'ere!" I holler to her. She wobbles to me. Her ankle still hurting her. I hand her the note. Her face. I can't look at it any longer.

"What?" She coughs out. A lump, I'm sure, in her throat. She looks at me. I pull her into a hug. "Why would he say these things! I love him!" She sobbed into my shirt.

"We'll find 'im." I reassure her. I know we will. "I mean all we have to do it look for a crowd of screaming girls." As if on cue, girls scream from the pool deck. "See." I walk her over to the window. We spot Niall. He looks terrible.

She slips out of me and runs for the door. I follow hot on her heals. We get to the pool deck in record time. She pushes through the crowd. I try and get spotted to help detour the girl. It works. The crowd thins around Niall giving Delilah room to get to him. She jumps in his arms and wraps her legs around his torso, and nuzzles her head in re crock of his neck.

He's taken aback. He stumbles a little. I make my way to them. I'm close enough I can hear what they're saying.

"Don't you ever say you don't deserve me! Ever! Don't ever leave me again! Do you understand me!? Niall I love you!" She shouts. This is the first time she's done something like this in front of a crowd. Screams she loves Niall. The girls coo and awe. She kisses him and he kisses back.

When they pull away their faces have tears on them, but they're smiling. I smile to myself. This was a beautiful moment.

"I love you, too, Delilah!" He shouts over the crowd. I make my way over to them and hug them.

"I love both of you" I smile into the hug. We make our way back into the hotel and head up to Niall'a room.

"Delilah," Niall said getting on one knee. Oh shit. He stand up before she turn to see him. "Hold on. Harry go get the others. I want out friends here to see this." I nod and run to get the boys.

The four of us pile in. We sit down and wait. Niall sits Delilah on a chair. Her facing us, his back facing us.

"Delilah, I love you," he kneels "to the moon and back." He pulls the little box from behind his back. Liam squeals. I swat his lap. Louis grabs my hand like he's fangirling. Zayn has tears in his eyes already.

Delilah's face went to shock when Niall flipped the little box open showing the diamond ring. "Will you make the most happiest, proudest, luckiest lad? Marry me?" He smiles.

She sat in the chair for a moment not moving. I thought she died. She lifts her left arm out and flattens her hand. "I thought you'd never ask" she smiles throw her tears. Niall slips the ring on her finger and stands up. She jumps into his arms, like outside.

"I love you so much!" He kisses all over her face. She giggles and smiles.

"I love you too Niall. So much." She kisses his lips now. They kinda stay like that for a minutes or two.

When they finally pull away breathless Delilah jumps off Niall and runs to the four of us. We group hug. This was a start to a beautiful marriage that'll be Niall and Delilah's.

They'll grow old together and have kids and grandkids. I love these two to death. I love everyone to death.



"Happy day happy day!" Jordan smiles. Our four year old son is the ring barer. Delilah and Niall had a kid two years ago. Her name was Alana. She was the flower girl.

I walked Jordan, the made of honor, down the aisle. I'm best man. I pat Niall's shoulder just before the music starts to signal the bride to come out.

She looked stunning. Red hair pulled into a fancy braid. The vail running into the white dress. Her red flowers placed in her hands. Her make-up done so well. The dress was a strapless Vera Wang white ball gown. I'd gone with her to get it. Her dad walks her down the aisle. He looked sharp.

Stan and the rest of the lads stood to my left. Delilah took her spot next to Niall. They held hands.

"I do" Niall smiles.

"And you you, Delilah Hemmings, take Niall Horan to be you're loftily wedded husband. Through sickness and in health?" The wedding guy asked Delilah.

She's crying happy tears. "I do." She breathed out.

"You may now, kiss the bride" he stepped back. The two of them kissed and get cheers.

A wonderful wedding. Delilah picks up Alana and carries her out the door. Gorge and Benjie, now 13 follow. Stand and his new girlfriend follow then. I take Jordan and follow. Liam taking Dani. Lou taking El. Zayn taking Perrie. We pile out of the church and start out new lives. Our new, happy lives.


I hope you guys liked the story.

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