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Chapter Twenty-Four

"So, are you okay?" I shifted in my seat when Simon asked me if I was okay.

No, Simon, I'm not okay. The girl I love.... Loved... Broke my heart. I'm falling apart on the inside. I cried myself to sleep last night and the night before. And a week ago when she broke up with me."I'm fine." I huff.

"You don't look it." He eyed me suspiciously. "Look, we have a free week in America and you need to see someone about depression. I care about you. They boys care about you. Delilah cares about you. What has got you so upset?" Simon really was pushing my buttons.

Or maybe he didn't know we broke up?

"Delilah and I.... We kinda broke up...." I trailed off. Simons hard face fell into a soft, sorry face.

"Well, then... I guess we're done here." He said getting up. Leaving me in the room by myself. The white walls growing increasingly closer to me. I look at the wooden door.

"Mate, lets go." Harry poked his head through the door. I was still upset that he'd slept with my ex girlfriend not twenty-four hours after we broke up, but how could I stay mad at him?

I grab my coat, that I don't even need in this Florida weather. It's steaming. A nice relaxing water park would do me good. I follow Harry to a limo. The bus is being fix and gassed up.

We sit in silence. Liam, Louis, Harry and I. Delilah hasn't left the hotel room once. Not since we got there. I huff.

"I'm steamin. Lets go to a watah park, yeah?" Louis says. We all nod in agreement.

"Trunks?" I asked looking at the boys. They all face palm. I chuckle. "Lets go back to the hotel then." I say. Liam, who's sitting closest to the drive tells him we'd like to go back to the hotel.

When we arrive at The Hilton the fans are mad crazy. Screaming as we get out of the limo and run into the hotel. We press the 12 button on the elevator. Which takes us right up to the floor we're staying at.

"Ready? On three." Zayn smiles. "One... Two three!" He yells bolting out of the elevator to his room. We follow, but to our rooms.

I change fast and quick. I was just about to step outside the door when a piece of yellow paper catches my eye.

"I'm not happy being here. I have enough money to live on my own for a bit. I'm flying back to Main to live with my dad. I know you're not happy having me here either. So... I quit watching Lux, and I turned down a few other jobs Simon's offered me. I really just need some space. And I need to see my dad. Anyways. Tell the boys I said bye.xx


I felt the lump in my throat. My stomach feels like it's going to fall trough my butt, and my heart is racing. I want to fall to the ground. I want to stop her. I turn the note over.

"Please, don't stop me."

The tears stream from my eyes. I fall to my knees. My weight much to heavy for my legs. A tear falls on the paper smearing the blue pin scribbled on this yellow piece of paper.

I hear heavy breathing. Who is that? Oh.... It's just me.

I suck in as much air as I could. I bite my tongue, trying to stop me from sobbing. I close the door as crawl to the bed. I pull myself onto the bed, pulling the sheets over my head, and cry. Like I've never cried.

My heart feels like it was just torn out of my chest. I feel worst now than when she broke up with me.

The thought of never seeing her, tares at me. The thought she'll fall in love again, breaks me.

I sob now. This is the first time I've cried over a girl. Ever. I hear knocking on the door. Then someone slips their key card in the door.

"Niall" someone calls out. "Niall. What you doing in bed?" Louis asks sitting next to me on the bed.

I extend my hand out of the blanket and had him the yellow paper that was clinched in my hand. I swallow and let out another sob.

He rubs my back. Cooing something about its going to be okay. I breath a deep breathe. "My heart feels like a whole." I say sitting up.

"Mate, I'd love to say I know what it feels like, but I don't. But one thing I do know, is if you don't go with us to Wet-N-Wild, Harry'll personally drag you." Louis smiled.

"No. Go on without me. Leave me here to recuperate. Leave me to eat my feeling." I moan.

"You do that anyways. Stop sounding like a mellow dramatic teenage girl. Get up. Lets go." He smiles again.

I groan and roll my eyes. "Fine, but I won't enjoy it." I mumble as he drags me out of the room.

Wet-N-Wild here I come.



"May I help you?" My dads voice questioned me from his doorstep. I haven't seen him in eight years. Boy, he hasn't changed at all.

"Yeah, umm. Hi. Dad. It's um erm I'm Delilah. You're daughter." I shyly smile. I move in front of my bags.

"Delilah? Oh my! Delilah!" He pulls me into a hug. "Boy you've grown! Gorge! Benjie! Stan!" He yells. Two identical looking boys run up to the door.

"Yeah pops?" One of them asks. They look to be seven or eight.

"This, is Aunt Delilah. Where's your dad?" He looks back into the house.

"I'll get him." One of them beamed.

"No I will, Gorge!" I'm guessing Benjie yells.

"Come in. Come in!" He smiles pulling me into the house grabbing my bags from behind me.

"We'll if it isn't little Miss Red Head Brat." My brother beams at me.

"Hey, Stan." I roll my eyes as he pulls me into a tight, much needed hug.

"Daddy when's dinner?" The bolder of the two kids ask.

He looks to me. "You eat yet?" I shake my head no. Boy, have I missed a lot. "Now! Go get shoes and clean shirts!" He hollers to the boys.

"So. Umm. Why are you here.l? Don't get me wrong... I'm ecstatic you're here. But why?" Dad looks at me worriedly.

"Umm mom sent me to Uncle Bens the I ran away from him, moved in with One Direction, got a job, started dating Niall Horan. Broke up with him, too depressed living on the same bus. Same hotel room. Had to get away. And now I'm here." I smile. I take a deep breath. Talking about Niall was hard.

"Umm what? One Di-what? Niall who?" My brother questioned me.

"Ex boyfriend. And One Direction is a band." I shrug.

"Right. Okay. I understand. So why're you here?" He questions me.

"Somewhere to stay while I get back on my feet?" I ask.

"O'course!" My dad hugs me. I smile wildly at him.

"Kids?" I ask Stan.

"Wife died two tears ago. Gorge and Benjie are twins. And the blonder one's Gorge. Takes after his mama. The one with reder hair's Benijie." He smiles proudly. My brother. A dad. Boy.

"Cool." I smile. The blonder one had the same eyes as Niall. I make a mental note to not break down looking at him.

"Right... Lets go." Dad says headed for the door.

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