Bad Dreams(Prt2)

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Did you know that when you sneeze your heart stops beating.... Also you close your eyes when you sneeze so they don't pop out.... (A/N: I have a LOT of free time on my hands. Also please vote and comment what you think, I live off of feedback.(: )


Chapter Thirteen

I blinked profusely. Clearing at my eyes. I looked at the lovely blonde now seated mext to me on my bed. I looked from him to Liam, to Zayn, to Harry, to Louis back to the boy pronounced dead just a mear five minutes ago. I tightly closed my eyes. It was a dream, Niall's fine. But nothing happened. Noone was talking. Noone asked what was wrong. I looked around to concerned faces. "W-what day is it?" I stuttered.

"The day after your birthday?" Harry said. Okay, so Niall's not dead, and I'm not in a hospital room. I closed my eyes and started to rapidly breath. I keppeded my eyes closed. I heard a crash, then sirens. I opened my eyes slightly, I saw daylight, we were outside?

Then, eveything went black. The last thing I saw was a hand. I'm not sure whos it was. But it looked to be a mans hand. I felt a cold hand grasp onto mine. Soft voices spoke. I fluttered my eyes open. The bright light blinded me, so I quickly snaped them shut grouning at the light. "Delilah," A voice cooed. "Delilah, it's just light," They chuckled.

I opened my eyes again. I squented. I see a curly haired boy smiling down at me. "Where am I?" I asked dazed and confused. They shifted. "Who are you?" I asked questioning him.

"I-I'm Harry, Delilah... You know who I am..." I trailed off. Harry? It rings a bell. But not strong enough for me to know who he was. I looked to see three other boys standing there, awkwardly. "This... They're Louis" he pointed to a tall lenghty guy with brown hair and really pretty blue eyes. I smile at his. "Liam" he pointed to a boy with a buzz cut and some tattoos on his arms. "And Zayn" he pointed to a guy with almost perfect hair, brownish black with a blonde streck in it. "Delilah, we're somewhat your family." The boy who calls himself Harry said rubbung the back of his neck, looking awkward.

I pull my hand away from the boy who called himself Harry. "Somewhat family?" I questioned. They all nodded. "So there's just you guys? No one here. No like mom, or dad?" I asked my heart racing. They looked awkward. "What's my name?" I asked closing my eyes in annoyance.

"Delilah.... Your name's Delilah." The lengthly one said. Louis? "And we're in a band, One Direction. You lived with us, because you ran away from your Uncle Ben after he threw you to the ground beating on you. You moved to London because your which of a mother sent you here. Other than that I don't know what else to say.... Oh! And you're dating Niall Horan." he gave a small smile. I looked at him confused. The others nodded.

"Those names, all the names you've listed... they sound so farmilure... But I can't place faces, or where I know them from." I sighed. A tapping on the door made me jump and squeal. A doctor walks in.

"Oh, good. Hello Delilah, I asume the boys told you what happened?" He asked. I shock my head no. Bad idea. My head felt like a hammer was banging on it. "I've got somethign for that." He gives me some pills and a cup of water. I take the pills and let them do their thing. "... Car crash" The doctor conclueded. I wasn't payin attention.

"What?" I asked with a confused look on my face. He explained again. I'd passed out in my bed, then Niall was taking me to the hospital. "Who's Niall?" I cut the doctor off. He raised an eyebrow at me. So I asked again. "Who is Niall?"

"He's.... He's your boyfriend." the doctor stated. I widened my eyes. I had a boyfriend?!

"Where is he?" I asked queckly. I don't remember him, but in the pit of my body I felt a surge to be worried. I looked at the boys to tell me. I sudenly felt like I could trust them.

"He's.... He's in the ICU.... They're working on him. He was hit pretty bad. Do you not remember anything?" The docotor asked. I nodded to let him know I didn't know anything. I don't remember anything. "You said his name a lot when you were in a coma. You sure you don't remember anything?" he asked again.

"I mean all these names, they ring a bell.... But not enough to know who they are." I could feel my heart race increese. The moneter to track my heart rate was increasing as well.

"Clam down." The docotor rushed. My heart rate slowed. A claming hand placed in mine. I looked at the curly haired boy giving me a weak smile.

"I have to go check on him. He's beeb cring out for you." The docotor said, then left. I rolled my eyes then layed my head back on my pillow and closed my eyes.


"How old am I?"


"How long have Niall and I dated?"

"A month or so."

"What color are my eyes?"

"Green, blue."

"What's my favorite color?"


"How long have I been in a coma?"

"Two weeks."

"Two weekes?" I asked. Harry and I sat on my hospital bed. I was questioning him about my life. I must say I'm kind of glade I woke up to him. He has a claming effect on me. Louis, Liam, and Zayn went to check on Niall. The hospital wont let me leave until they're sure I know enough about myself. I've only been here for a few days. Two or three? And I hate it. I want to go home. But I don't know where that is.

"Yeah. The whole time you mummbled Niall's name." He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. I playfully hit his arm.

"Are you sure you're not my brother?" I laughed at him. My right hand was broke and my right leg. the other car that hit Niall and I's was on the left, but I hurt my right side? Huh.

"Postitive. Does any of this make since to you?" He questioned me for the first time in an hour. I shock my head no. "Damn. Guess we'll play 'till you know." He chuckled.

"Ha. Ha. So were are the other guys?" I asked looking around him to see the door. "I have some things to ask them." I laughed.

"Yeah. In a few. They just wen to see Niall. He's doing better, Niall. He remembers few things. Like his mum and dad, step-dad, and brother. Us bandmates.... But not you. He doesn't even know the name. But when I go to check on him, and he's sleeping, the wiedest thing happens."

"Yeah?" I ask wanting him to say more about the boy I suposedly am dating.

"He mummbles your name in his sleep. Deep deep deep down inside him he knows who you are. And it got me thinking, when you sleep you mummble his name. So I was really thinking hard, and I thought maybe if you two saw eachother, you'd remember eveything." Harry smiled at his bright idea. I was just about to agree, because that really was a smart idea, but the three other boys walked in.

"Delilah! Guess what!" The guy I've come to know as Liam smiled wildly. I looked at him to let him know to continue. "I remembered I had a photo of you and Niall in my wallet. Don't ask why, and I showed him you and it was like a lightbulb went off in his mind. You wanna see what he looks like, because he's been stairing at the picture of you for a while now. So here" he handed me a picture of a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed wonderfully happy guy. I gasped.He was perfect. He was wonderful looking. I looked at the picture in awe.

"I love him." I said running my fingure along the face of this beautiful guy. "This is Niall?" I asked looking to Liam. Liam nodded. "I.... He's..... I want to see him now!" I stated a little too loudly. I thew the sheets off of me. and attempted to get up. Only to be blocked by a wall built of Louis and Zayn shaking their heads no. "GUYS! PLEASE! I REMEMBER HIM!" I shout at their faces.

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