Goodbye Boys

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Don't make promises you can't keep...


Chapter Twenty

I sit in the car leaning into Niall. I decided not to go on tour with the boys. Lou said I could watch Lux at the flat while she was with the boys. A single tear steams down my face. I'm going to miss Niall so much.

"Hey, at lest ya got ya cast off." Niall places a kiss on my forehead. He looks as if he's going to cry, too. I burry my head in his chest. His gray joggers shifted. He's nervous. I ball his white tee in a fist and pull him to my face.

"Don't forget you have a girlfriend, Horan." I growl kissing him. He kiss back. Sliding his hand slightly into my top.

"Guys! We're in a car!" Liam nearly shouts. Niall and I pull away blushing. I whip his lip of the extra spit left behind.

I look out the window. We soon pull into a parking spot. Liam, Perrie, and Louis climb out. Then Harry, Jordan and Zayn. Danielle Eleanor and Niall climb out before me. Niall helps me out. He grabs my hand in his right hand and in the left his carry on.

"You sure you don't want to go to America with us?" Zayn said pulling Perrie into him. I smile and nod. "Your loss." He pecks my forehead, and follows Perrie to the terminal.

"I'm going to miss you so much. Four months! Skype me. Call me. Write me letters!" Niall said cupping my face in his hands.

"I don't like long goodbyes. Even if they're with someone I love." I kiss his nose. He rolls his eyes and smiles.

"Before I go, I want you to have this." He pulls a little silver box out of his pocket. My eyes widen as he pops the box open and gets on one knee. "Delilah Hemmings, I love you like I've never loved anyone before. I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you take this ring as a promise to me? To promise that I'll love you while I'm gone. And every second of the day, I'll think about you. And only you." I hold my left hand out. Tears streaming down my face, as he places the ring on my ring finger.

I nod yes and he stands again. "Now how am I supposed to let you go now?" I smile and kiss him. Wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Only four months." He says looking down at me.

"Flight ABTZ25U9C6B London to America, boarding now. Please make your way to gate 509 and have a happy day!" The over com sounded. I kiss him one last time. Just four months.

Dani, Eleanor, Jordan, and Perrie find their ways to me. Dani to my left, and Perrie to my right. Eleanor to the left of Dani and Joran to the right of Perrie. We watch as our boyfriends take their last look at us. And wave them goodbye.

"So you said yes?" Eleanor asked me with pressed lips. I nod smiling. "Good." She huffs and walks away.

I follow her. Hot in her heels. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why don't you like me?" I snap at her. She stops in her tracks.

She turns slowly to look at me. More like glare. "He's a very sensitive guy. And if you cheat on him while he's away on tour, I will NOT let you forget about it. Do you understand, Delilah." She said my name like it was acid waste. "I'm glad to see you accepted the ring!" She cooed and hugged me tight, as the girls came into ear shot.

"I know! Me too!" Dani shrieked. She was really worming up to me. We spent a day alone and she was really nice to me. Only acting rude to make sure I'd be okay for Niall. And she concluded I was.

I beamed at them and we walked out to the car. This is the start to our four months without our boyfriends. It's going to be hell.

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