This Means Love

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There's a thin line between love and hate. Make sure you know what side you're on.


Chapter ten

I miss Lux. I wish Lou would let me watch her more often like that. Waving goodbye in the window to Lou and Lux driving off I sigh. I watch them pull out of the drive. 'Bye Lux. I'll miss you' I whisper to myself. I sigh again and turn to the now very empty flat. Dragons myself to the kitchen I notice Niall's eaten the last of what's left in the cabinets. I curse him under my breath.

I realize I've never really been outside since moving in with Niall and Harry. But they told me not to go out without one of them. Uhg! I mindlessly watch tv until they get home. When they finally do my tummy is growling for attention.

"Who let the bear in?" Harry laughed. He sat next to me. "Oh. And Jordan is coming over in a bit." He smiled blushing a bit. He's so cute when he blushes! Niall practically sits on me. "Oy! Niall! Don't crush the pour gilr!" Harry laughs slapping his knee.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Delilah!" Niall gushes hopping off of me. I giggle at him. Just them my stomach growls. "Haven't you eaten today?" Niall asks concern filling is ocean blue eyes. I shake my head no.

Harry watches Niall careful. "Niiiiall.... If she's hungry she'll let us know..... Don't you think about-" Harry said slowly then was abruptly cut off by Niall.

"We're going out. Now. For food. You're eating. And there is nothing you can do about it. I don't want you to stop eating." Niall blabs on.

"Niall. Niall. Niall! I'm hungry. There's no food here. And you told me not to leave without you guys." I tell him. Do fans know about me yet? I haven't watched the news. Or checked twitter. Or tumblr. Or Facebook. Or magazines. Really I've been disconnected from the rest of the world for the last two months I've been living with the boys.

Niall grabs my hand and pulls me to my room. "Wear this." He tosses a black knee high dress at me. "I won't look." He covers his eyes and turns around. So I change really fast. "And. These shoes." He hands me my red high heels. "And take that off." He points to my face. I give him a confused look. "The makeup love." He says like I should've known.

"No. I look great." I protest. But he ushers me to my bathroom. "Fine. Fine" I giggle taking the pad he put my makeup remover on. He helps me take my makeup off.

"That's so sweet. Don't move. I'm going to get a snapper." Harry said scaring both of us. We freeze holding back laughter. Harry snaps the shot. "Okay. Now go back. And Jordan's here." He hollers down the hallway.

I turn the tight space between Niall and the sink to face him. I search his face. A smirk growing on that perfect face of his. "What" he chuckles. I shake my head signaling nothing. "Ready then?" He asks grabbing my hand and pulling me out the front door to the flat. Saying bye to Harry and Jordan.

"Niall. Where are we going!" I giggle. He shakes his head no. "Please Niall while." I bat my eyes. He bits his bottoms lip. Oh. Let me kiss you! I silently beg. He parks the car. "Should've known! Nando's!" I squeal. He walks around and opens the door for me.

"Ready, love?" He holds his hand out to me. Then the thought hits me. There are fans that will see us. I stop in my tracks nearly knocking Niall out of his shoes. "What's wrong?" He asks looking at me with worry.

"The. The fans. They'll see us. I. I'm sorry. C-can we just go back. And maybe. Order pizza?" I stutter and kinda beg. "Please Niall. I. I don't feel comfortable." I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"Yeah." He rub the back of his head. "Umm. How's about we go to a hole on the wall bakery. I. Uhh. I still owe you that date." I nod and we walk two blocks to a nice little bakery. "Hi Dora. This is Delilah. Delilah this is my cousin Dora." Niall smiles wildly.

"Hi love. Niall talks a lot about ya. What'll ya have love?" Dora asks me. "Niall I got ya order in to Joe." She smiled expectantly at me. I then realize I'm supposed to order something.

"Oh. I'll have. Um." I turn to Niall for help. He buts in and orders me a Mocha Coca Hot Coca and two eggs and ham with some toast. "Thanks Dora." I smile at her and move some strands of hair behind my left ear.



She moved her hair behind her left ear. Dora brought her food I said thanks. We were the only people in my cousins bakery. It was cute. The lights were kinda dim. And they made Delilah look like an angel. She giggled. Did she say something?

"I said, are you not going to eat?" She laughed. She laughs so beautifully. I nod yes and take a big bit of my food. Tasty. She giggles at me again. I ask what. And she just looks at me and giggle again. "You've got" she points to her chin and laughs.

I whip at my chin. Gross. Egg yolk on my chin. She laughs. Her laugh is so contagious. I laugh with her. When she's done I pay Dora and we walk back to the car I left in Nando's parking lot. I help her in the car. She looks so lovely tonight. "Delilah. I like" I'm cut off my her saying something.

"Niall I like you. I went to tell you he other day. But Louis walked in with Eleanor and I've just been thinking I needed to tell you. So this is me. Telling you." She said in a rush. And blushed a little hiding behind her hair looking forwards.

"Delilah, I like you too." I told her. She looked at me. A smile plastered on that pretty little face of hers. "I mean I rallying you." I feel a blush creeping up on me. Before I know it I'm pulling into the drive of our flat.

"Feelings grow when people live together." She whispered to herself. I don't think I was supposed to hear it so I didn't say anything. But I silently agreed with her.

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