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Fact269: 1/3 of all Americans flush the toilet while still sitting on it.


Chapter Fifteen


She looked so awkward standing there. She didn't know what to so with her hands. She only remembers meeting us. "Just us? No like mum or uncle ben?" Liam asked like he was reading my mind.

"Yeah. Well I remember Ben?" She looked at the ground in confusion. I looked at the guys. All of them here now. "I. I have to go back to my room." She glanced at me and then to Harry. He nods and helps her out the door.

I remember everything about her. Every little detail in her face. Every time she cried. The scars on her wrist. I remember her laugh. Her smile. Her messed up hair in the morning. Her tidy room. The week she got to watch over Lux and I helped. We played mum and dad. I watched as the door closed.

The girl I loved walking out the door with Harry. "Liam. I'm ready to move into her room upstairs. Please tell the doctor." I looked at Liam. He nods and walks out to get the doctor.

I look back down at me legs. The casts plan and white. I sigh and shift my body to suit me comfortably. "Mate, she only remembers bits bout her life." Lou said striding over to me.

"I know." I sigh. She really must've hit her head hard. I smell awful. "I need a shower." I tell Lou and Zayn. They chuckle.

"We know." Zayn laughs. I scrunch up my face. "You'll get one upstairs." He chuckled patting my leg.


"Harry?" I ask. He hums to let me know he's listening. "I want to remember. But I can't. I want to remember every second with that boy. And I can't. Something up here," I point to my head "won't let me. And it pisses me off. Yeah I remember a few things. But nothing major." I said looking at my bed.

"Well, I'm here if you have any questions." Harry beamed. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Hey, I want you to remember too." He pats my left hand.

"Did Niall and I. Did we. You know." I blushed a little and looked away from Harry's raised eyebrows.

He laughs before answering me. "No love. He's not like that. Married kinda thing for him. Anything else?" He chuckled again. I shook my head no. "You sure?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Did I have a brother? A sister?"

"A brother yeah. Can't remember his name. Actually. You never told me."

"So I have a mom, dad, brother, uncle, a boyfriend, and four other guys. Right."


"What about us? We do any-"

"Miss. Hemmings? Niall says he's ready to come up. You okay with sharing a room with him?" The doctor said cutting me off.

"Yeah. Okay." I stated and they rolled him in. He looked so bright and happy to be here. He remembers more than I do him obviously. "Hi" I say sheepishly. He nods his hello.

"Liam and Louis went to go get food. You hungry?" Zayn asked walking in after the nurse who placed Niall on his new bed. "Delilah? You hungry?" Zayn asked worriedly.

Right. I'm Delilah. "Oh. Um. No. Thanks though." I turn my attention back to Niall. His body's worse than mine. But I'm sure my brain is far worse than his.

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