I Bet

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Stay in school kids. Don't drop out. Really not worth it.


Chapter nine

I spend to much time in my room. I could tell you exactly where everything is. Like as soon as you step in the room, turn left, take five steps, and turn right. There you'll see a picture of Zayn and I as kids. And I you back up six, steps you're in the bathroom.

Again. I spend to much time in there. But really, where else and I supposed to be? Just as my thoughts were going to say 'Just go home' my phone rings.

"Hi Lou! You are!? Yeah! For a week? No, no it's fine! Ummm. Yeah go on and being Lux over. I've got her. Pinky promise." I smile through the phone. "Okay. Mmm. Whenever's good for you. Okay. Alright. Yup. Make me a list. Okay. See ya soon. Bye." YES! I get Lux for a whole seven days! Yes! Yes! Yes!

I wait expectingly in the living room of the flat. Two hours pass. Niall and Harry went over to Zayn Liam and Louis' house about three hours ago, for a 'date night'. Niall left by himself. 'I'm single. Why take someone?' He smirks before he leaves. A knock on the door has my on my feet running to the door in under two seconds flat.

"LUX! LOU! AHH! I'm so excited." I beam. "Came here baby Lux!" I coo to an almost sleeping Lux.

"Thank you sooo much. Thank you so much." Lou kisses the top of my head. "And I have all the stuff. Right. Here." She places the suitcase inside. "My flight leaves in two hours. Thank you again. Sooo much. I have to get going. Ooo. Mama's going to miss my baby!" She kisses Lux one last time. I smile and say goodbye to her.

I take Lux and her bags to my room. I set up the crib and place a now sleeping Lux in the crib. Oh. I swear if the boys barge in loud tonight and wake her, I'll hurt them! I turn off the lights in the room and get my book off the table top, then flick on the light that hangs over just my bed.

I open the book and start reading. I didn't notice I fell asleep. But I did. I woke to a crying Lux. I hurry over to her and pick her up. "What's wrong Lux?" I cooed looking down at her. She kinda stopped crying at my voice. But I knew she wanted a bottle. So I make her one. She sucks furiously at it. "Good girl." I rub my eyes to see its now 6 o'clock in the morning. I'm not going to be able to fall back asleep. I sigh and carry Lux to the living room.

I find a very tired Harry sitting on the sofa. I clear my throat to let him know I'm in the room. He looks at me and blinks twice. "What's Lux doing here?" He asked. His face read that he was trying to wrap his head around the whole thing. I shift her as I sit on the sofa next to Harry.

I place my head in the crook of his neck as he peers down at Lux and I. "Lou had a gig in South Asia. And she asked if I'd watch Lux. Just for a week. So I said yes. Because it's my job. And it's the right thing to do." I explain to him. I sit up to clean Lux's face with the rag I'd thrown over my shoulder. Harry chuckles. "What?" I question him.

"Nothing. You just make a good mum." He smiles. "Im going to bed. Goodnight love. Night Lux." He places a peck on Lux and a kiss on my forehead. "Don't be too loud." He coos to Lux. I smile and he walks out.

I turn on the television to Dora for Lux. And she mindlessly watches the girl on the screen for a few episodes. I take her to my room when the last episode plays. She kinda stinks. Ohmygod. I have to change her. Damn. I sigh and plug my nose to change the soiled dipper. Niall strolls in my open door to see me trying to hold my nose and put a new dipper on Lux.

Striding to my right he grabs her legs so I can slip the dipper under her bum. When the smells gone I thank him. I pick Lux up and place her on my hip. I don't know the first thing about being a mother. I don't have younger siblings. Just Jake, my older brother by five years. He left with dad. Lucky him. I roll my eyes at the now irrelevant thought. I haven't spoke I Jake in seven years.

"Delilah? You okay?" Niall asked reaching for Lux. I nod yes. And walk off to use the restroom. When I com back I find niall and lux on the floor playing with some of her toys. It looks so cute. I find my camera and snap a few shots. I giggle a he looks at me. "Hey now!" He chuckles.

I make a kiss face and set the camera on the table. "You know. You look like a fantastic father, Niall." I smile and lay flat on my tummy. He looks over to me and tells me I would make a great mother. I giggle. He thinks I'd be a great mom!? Yes.


Three days. Three days of waking up to a crying Lux. Three days of dirty dippers. Three days of Dora in the morning. THREE DAYS! I'm three days in and still loving almost every bit of it. I hate waking to her crying, and having to change her. But I love caring and playing with her. Plus the boys help out some too. Niall more than Harry. Harry brought a girl home the other night. Jordan I think her name was?

I liked her. Her hair was perfect. Brownish. And a nice cut for her face. Her outfit was cute too. Black with black leggings. She fit with him perfectly. That just leaves Niall. And me. Me. And Niall. I look at him. He looks at me.

"What?" He asks. I just hope the thought wasn't plastered on my face. I tell him nothing and we go back to watching Dora with Lux, who's not sitting in the spot I put her in.

"Umm. Where's Lux?" I ask him. He shrugs. I hop up. "She is not sitting there!" I point to her spot. He hops up seeing she's gone. "LUX! Niall do something!" I start crying. I. Lost. Lux. In my own flat!

I hurry over to my room. She's not in there. Check Harry's and Niall. Not in there. Shit. Shit. Shit. Tears pour out of my eyes. Then I hear her screeching at the top of her lungs. "Lux!" I cry out following the crying. I enter the study to see Lux in Niall's arms. "Lux!" I stride over to Niall and take her from his hands. "Niall" I smile at him as he hugs me. Lux looking up at us. "Where?" I asked.

"In here. She was crawling around. Then she bumped her head. That's how I found her." He said. His blue worrying eyes turn into soft caring eyes. I like him. There I said it. I really like him. His eyes. I love them. His smile. That smirk he does. "Delilah?" He asked.

"Oh. Sorry." I say walking out of the room to get Lux her lunch. Niall quick on my heels. I feed her and hand her to Niall when she's done. "Niall. I. I really like-" I was cut off my Louis and Eleanor walking in.

"Niall!? Delilah!?" Louis yells out. We look at each other before Niall yells out to Louis. "Oh hey guys." Louis says walking over to look at Lux in Niall's arms. "Why's it look like you've been crying love?"

"Oh." I laugh at myself. "Lux got away from us. And we couldn't find her. Sooo. Yeah" I turn away and whip away some tears. "How're you guys?" I ask turning back to the four of them. Eleanor, Louis, Lux, and Niall. They all smile.

"We're fine. Would you like to go shopping with me? Niall, would you watch Lux if Delilah says yes?" Eleanor battered her eyelashes.

"Loved to." Niall and I say at the same time. "Yes." We try again. We look at each other. His wide blue eyes almost look like my wide green eyes.

"Great!" Eleanor squeaks grabbing my arm ad pulling me out the door.

The car ride there is spent in awkward silence. When we get there she pulls me close to her. "Look" her harsh hushed tone said to me. "You hurt Niall and I swear to you. I'll hurt you. Don't break his heart. He likes you. And I can tell you like him. So do not break his heart." She glared at me for a moment. "Okay?" She smiled and hopped into the store. What the hell?

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