Birthday Surprize

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Happy Birthday if its your birthday! Live while we're young and celebrate all that you have!


Chapter Eleven


Today's Delilah's birthday! Two weeks ago I asked her to be my girlfriend and she happily said yes. I remember the moment like it was yesterday.


"Really? You like me too?" She asked pushing her red hair behind her ears peering at me. Her green eyes searching my face to see if I'm lying. But I'm not. I chuckle at her frantic look. She fiddles with her hands.

"Yeah. I uh. I think you're a great person." I cleared my throat. "So. Um. You. You wanna b-be my girlfriend?" Man I am stuttering. I push my nerves to the side as she excitedly nods her head yes. "Really?" I ask her. She giggles her yes. I think I'll remember this moment forever.

I helped her out of the car and into the flat. Harry sat on the sofa with Jordan. "Hey guys." Harry said grabbing Jordan's hand. "How was dinner" he wiggled his eyebrows. Delilah just giggles.


I heard a groan. What the hell? I look around my room. "Harry?" I asked questioningly. No one answered. "Delilah?" I try again. A groan. Where the hell is she? I drag my heavy body off the bed and just about step on her. I chuckle. "Love, what're ya doing here?" I ask her helping her up.

She was in her pjs and her red hair was a mess. "I. I wanted to say happy birthday." She stuttered. "I meant I wanted you to say it to me." She looked so clueless. I pull her on my bed.

"Happy birthday, love." I place a soft kiss on her cheek which flushes rosy pink. "Call Liam yet?" I ask. I know she hadn't. They share a birthday. August 29th. She's a year younger than him. I smile down at her. Man she looks so beautiful.

"Niall. I think you're beautiful too." She smiles up at me. I give her a confused look. "You. You said I looked beautiful. And I think to are too." She giggled. I place two quick pecks on each cheek.

She hops off the bed and runs to her room. I'm not really sure why. But I et her go hearing the door close to her room. I roll over to see the time. 9:32am. Time get something to eat.

I stroll into the kitchen where Harry and Jordan are seated at the table. They glance at me I nod my hellos. I grab a box of Hunney Nut Cheerios and two bowls. I make myself some ad place the empty bowl where Delilah is sure to sit.

"Sooooo. You and Delilah huh?" Jordan asks wiggling her brows suggestively. "She your girlfriend yet?" She was bouncing up and down. Harry chuckled.

"Dude. It's alright. I've got me Jordan." He kisses her for like I swear ten seconds. "She walked past the kitchen ten minutes ago to go to her room. She mumbled something about Liam and she looks a hot mess?" Harry informed me.

"Speaking of Liam. Did you call him yet?" I asked. "It is his birthday. And it's Delilah's." I said matter of factly. "We'll it is." I told him after he huffed.

"What? Really!? Why didn't she say something sooner!? I haven't anything to give her!" Harry hopped up and grabbed his keys. Jordan quick on his heels. "We'll be back later." He called just as the door closed.


I thought I heard someone enter my room. But then realized it was Harry and Jordan leaving. I turn the nice worm water off and towel off. I stroll into my empty room. I look in my draws for clothing. I find my white shorts and my purple floral shirt. I slap some makeup on. It my birthday. I'm eighteen.

I repeat to myself several times. I'm eighteen. I'm eighteen. I'm-

"Come in!" I holler to the door. "Oh hey Niall." I smile. I watch as he looks frantically around the room. "What?" I ask.

"I miss Lux." He states. I tell him I miss her too. "Are you hungry?" He asks me. I nod yes and he guides me to the kitchen. "A bowl for mah lady." He gestures to my seat. He pours me my milk and Hunney Nut Chereios.

"Thanks." I smile. He waves it off. "You called Liam yet?" I asked. I know I haven't. But he should have.

"Yeah. He and Danielle are coming over later." He smiled. "You call him yet?" He asked.

"Well, no. But I will when I'm done." I smile and finish my breakfast. I get up and make the call to Liam.

Danielle answers the phone. "Hello! Liam's phone Danielle talking who's this!?" She asked all hyped up.

"This is uh. Delilah." I pause. I heard and oh and a here Liam.

"Hello?" He asks. I sing Happy Birthday to him. "Wow. I didn't knew you could sing." My eyes widen. "You're really good. Oh. And Happy birthday to you too." I hear the smile in his voice.

When the phone call's done Liam is leaving for our flat. He's there in two minutes. He's wearing a birthday hat with toy story on it. I hug him and tell him happy birthday.

We eat cake and play a few card games. Zayn and Perrie don't come till later. Just Louis comes. No Eleanor. Phew. The last time we were together she snapped at me. She honestly thinks I'm going to break Niall's heart. I roll my eyes. Everyone's having a blast.

"Guys," Niall and Harry stand looking at everyone expectantly. "We have a surprise for Delilah and Liam." Niall coos.

"I'll go get it." Harry said leaving the room. Liam and I give each other quizzical glances. "This is for you. And this is for you." Harry smiles.

I hesitantly unwrap the gift. "Awe! Guys. This is perfect." I smile down at the picture collage in my hands. I see a picture of all the guys and I when we meet on the flight over. And one of Niall and I taking my makeup off. And some of me and Lux. One with just me and each of the boys. "It's really perfect" I say holding back the tears threatening to spill out. This is my new family.

I look to see what Liam got. He got pictures too. But of himself. "Haha. Thanks guys." He chuckles. I get up and run to my room to get Liam's stuffed Rex from toy story. He'll love it.

When I get back to the living room Liam's hushed tone says something like "sing when she gets in" and I smile. As if on cue I waltz into the living room.

"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me. But bare this in mind it was meant to be...." The song together When They all get to their solos they kneel down and hold my hand while looking into my eyes. Which were filling rather quickly with happy tears.

When they're done I hug each of them and kiss niall. I almost forget to hand Liam his gift. So I hand it to him he hugs me extra tight. "Thank you!" We say at the same time.

This has turned out to be the best birthday yet. I love theses guys. They're my new family. My new friends. They are mine. Aside from Danielle and Eleanor. They still have to warm up to me. I smile at the boys. "GROUP HUG!" I shout. And I get smushed in the middle of this great big group hug.

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