Yes, Niall

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Chapter Twenty-Six

"Pleeeeeeeassssseee aunty Delilah. Ppplllllleeeeaaaaassssssee!"The twins beg me. They want the boys to stay the night. But the twins have school tomorrow.

"Now boys, you know you have school tomorrow. You can't stay up with them." I warn. I'm about to give in. I give Stan the 'help me stupid' look.

"You have to promise you'll go to bed on time" Stan sternly says. They nod eagerly. He looks at me and shrugs. "Dad?"

"It's fine with me. If the twins go to bed on time. They," he gestures to the guys, "can sleep in the living room." He says and crosses his arms.

"GREAT! We'll go tell the guys!" The twins yelp running up stairs to my room, where the boys awaited for an answer.

All seven boys come running down the stairs. Great. Girls = 1. Boys = 9. I mumble something about being the only girl. Niall ran to me, placing A very sloppy kiss on my check.

"Gross! Aunt Delilah! Niall! Stop!" Benjie yells covering his eyes.

"Ew! Cooties!" Screeches Gorge.

"It's gross riiiiigght?" Louis asks sounding just like them. I giggle.

"Guys. C'mon!" I groan. "Grow up would ya?" I roll my eyes. I glance at the clock.

"Alright. So sleeping arrangements. Twins in their rooms. Delilah in hers. Me in mine. Stan in his. And boys, you can either sleep in the living room, or in the basement." Dad says looking at One Direction.

"Basement." They say in union.

I roll my eyes. "O'course." I laugh. Niall pulls me into him. I look up to him. His eyes not quiet as puffy. Not as red. Pure gorgeous blue. I smile up to him.

"Sttttooooppp!" Harry yells makings jump like ten feet. I glare at him. He hold his hands up in surrender. "You two are just too dam- dang cute." He quickly glanced at the twins because he was just about to say damn. I try not to laugh.

"Alright. Benjie go shower. Then gorge can take his." Stan said. Benjie looked completely entirely horrified.

"No! I want to stay here!" He wailed.

I pick him up and walk him upstairs. "Take your shower, like you father said, or the boys won't stay over anymore." I warn him. He shuts up and runs to take his shower.

"Nicely done, Hemmings." Niall says behind me.

"Thanks, Horan." I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck. He places his arms around my waist.

"You're so tiny." He said worriedly. I give him a quizzical look. "I mean like, you've lost a LOT of weight. Have you been eating?" He asks.

"Erm um. I ate dinner yesterday. And breakfast today. And dinner tonight." I blurted out.

"So, you didn't eat after the crash. Like, you haven't been eating? Starving yourself?" He questions me.

I beak our hold. "Niall, I'm trying my best. Food just isn't for me." I look at my now über interesting flip flops. "I can't eat." I whisper.

"What?" My dad says from three steps down. "You haven't been eating!?" He looked at me in shock.

"Damn." I say under my breath. "I'm. Umm. Yeah. Bye." I say turning around to walk off into my room.

Only to be stopped by Niall's hand pulling me back. He searches my face. I watch as it grows from shock to worry to what ever it is now.

"You have to see someone." Niall breaths out.

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