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Chapter Twenty-Three

Sometime I just want to crawl into a hole and die. Like now. I just broke up with the boy I love and he's not even trying to make things better. I know I told him not too, but I still want him too. Zayn enters the bus and chats with Niall for a second.

"Delilah, are you okay love?" I look up to see Zayn walking to me. "Niall told me you broke up with him." He sits by me and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Tell me."

"I love him. He just doesn't understand. When I find out that way, it hurts more than if he'd actually tell me. Like if he told me what it was happening, I would be mad yeah, but I wouldn't be hurt like I am. And I just." I let tears run down my face. "I can't! I know this is what I get for dating someone as hot as he is. I know this is what I get for keeping us on the down low. It's my fault." I lean into Zayns chest.

"Love, he loves you too. Trust me. He doesn't want to go out with any of those girl. He wants to go out with you. I know you're hurt and I know how stubborn you can be. But lets think bout it, yeah?" Zayn says rubbing my back while his chin rests on the top of my head.

We sit like that for a bit, letting my breathing come to a normal pace. And my heart slow down a bit. Then the other boys walk in.

"You seen Ni- I FOUND DELILAH!" Louis yells. "Delilah you okay?" He asks sitting by me.

"Ohmygod! Baby!" Harry coos.

"I'll go make tea." Liam says walking back to the kitchen. When he enters again the tea is steaming. I take a cup. Minty. The way I like it.

"Thank you." I smile at him.

I explain to the boys what happened. They all say I should just hear Niall out. But I can't. I'm too hurt. He's so stupid sometimes.

I hear a bang. Then another bang and the someone coursing. I look at Louis with wide eyes. "I'll go check that out" he says getting up.

I love him. He loves me. I hate this. I hate everything about this. I'm not ready to look at him. I'm not ready to hear him. I'm not ready for him.

"It was just Niall. He's gone to bed." Louis shrugged sitting next to me.

When the movie we had put on ends all the boys leave but Harry. We've been really close since the car accident. "Jordan and I broke up. I mean I still love her. I don't think she can take being away from me for so long. So she called me up and broke it off. Just like that." He huffs.

"Today is not our day." I say snuggling into him. "Not our day at all." I rest my head on his shoulder as his arm wraps around my body.

He lifts his free arm to turn on the tv. A show called E! is on. "The top story tonight? Niall and Demi. Date number three. Seen recently at La Te Da in New York. Sharing the couples meal and kissing. Diall is Hollywoods next hot cou-"

Harry changes the channel. "No need to watch that. Hey, look. Chopped is on! A cooking show. Yes" Harry says getting comfortable beneath me. I giggle at him. "What? I love cooking." He smile.

His emerald green eyes looking deep into my blue/green eyes. His eyes are beautiful. He smiles at me so I smile back. His curly hair flamboyant. His plaid button up open a bit. Jeans fitting his body perfectly. White shoes kicked off. "What?" He smiles at me.

"Nothing. My hair. I need to take it down." I for got I dressed up today. I took my bun down and tossed head from side to side. "I'll be right back." I say getting up.

"Don't be too long. You were a good blanket." He cheekily smiled at me. I make it obvious I rolled my eyes.

I find my bag and change into sweat pants and a spaghetti strap shirt. I brush my teeth and wash my face.

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