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Mistakes are mistakes. They are what make you who you are. You learn from them. You'll get over it. Pinky promise.

Chapter eight

"So now that you've decided to stay, and we just ate all of that.... What are you going to do?" Liam asked pulling out his phone to call Danielle. "Danielle is calling. Shh."

I roll my eyes. Zayn sits next to me. "Wanna meet Perrie?" He smiled. I'm not sure of the boys know about Zayn and I's past. I nodded excitedly. He smiles and walks out the room to call her over. I get to meet my long time friends girlfriend. Just as he gets up Niall sits in his spot. "Aye! I was gonna sit there!" Zayn yelled.

I giggle and get up. "Guys I need a nap." I walk off to my room giggling. I lay my head on my pillow and instantly fall asleep. I dream very little. I wake to find the alarm clock telling me it's 12:52am. Great. That means I missed Parrie. I have to leave in four hours, and I haven't eaten in like over 12 hours.

I stumble over to my bathroom. I take a nice cold shower, then changed into shorts and a tank. It was going to be hot today. I look at my phone for only the second time since moving in with the boys. I see 450 missed calls and 124 text messages. Some from Dan, my ex boyfriend. Some from Kelly, my old best friend. And some from Uncle Ben and mom.

Wait. That's how Ben knows where I am. The phone. He's tracking my phone. I toss my phone to the ground involuntarily. The noise is so loud I'm sure one of the boys heard it. But neither of them come in. Phew.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

"Hello? Yeah. You sure? Okay. Feel better Lou. Okay. Thank you. It's alright, I was awake anyways. Haha. Yeah. Oh he's fine. Yeah. Deff. Okay. They do? Okay. I'll let them know. Haha. Get some sleep. Night!" Lou just called and I have the next week off! Yayy. I mean I love Lux. But a week off!

A tapping at my door startles me. "C-come in." I stutter unsure of who it is. My heart racing a million miles an hour. "Oh. Phew. I didn't know who you were." I smile and hug Niall. "Why are you out of bed? It's only 1:36. Go back and get off that knee." I point to his room.

"It's lonely in there." He smirks. I giggle at his silly smirk. "Besides I heard you drop something then talk to someone. I wanted to make sure you were safe." He flashes his bright blue eyes at me. I laugh and tell him it was Lou. Lux is sick and so is she. So I won't be helping out this week. I'll be free and so will they.

"But I need another phone. I think. I think Ben is tracking it." I shove it away. Niall smiles and places a sweet kiss on the top of my head. He tells me to go ahead and toss this one. I smile up at him. Never really getting a good look at him. The lighting right now does him justice. His blue eyes carefully watching my face as I observe the beautiful guy standing arms length away. His lips perched just a little.

"I thinks you're beautiful, too, Delilah." He laughs. Oh that laugh. It's so wonderful. Wait. What did he just say?

"I said that out loud?" I asked more to myself than him. He looks down at me and nods. "Oh, well that's embarrassing." I smile. "Please. Go to bed I'll only be awake for another hour or so." I direct him to my door.

He doesn't budge. Instead me almost collapses. I carry him to my bed and ask him if he's okay. He nods. But with the lighting in the room I can't see his face. I put the covers on him. Warming his shivers. He coughs. Oh no. Is he sick too?

He coughs once more. Yep. He's sick. I make him some soup.


"Delilah! Guess who's here!" Zayn sings from the front entrance. I drop whatever was in my hands. I see Zayn. Then I see her. Parrie Edwards. Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Ohmygod. I smile. "Perrie, Delilah. Delilah, Perrie." Zayn said introducing us.

She pulls me into a hug. "Oh! Zayn about talked so much about you!" She pecks my cheek. "It's so nice to finally meet you." He puts me at arms length to get a better look.

"Ohmy! I'm soooooo happy! This is like. A Delilah dream come true! Zayn talks you much about you too! I loooove your hair! It's so cute!" I gush. I'm more excited about meeting her than anyone. Just then a voice is cleared. Not a males, like I'm used to. But a females. I turn my head slightly to see Danielle. "Ohmygod!" I squeal. "This has to be a dream. Niall pinch me." I hold out my arm.

He shakes his head no. "Remember last time" he laughed. We look at each other and bust out laughing. "You aren't dreaming, love." He smirked then winked.

I giggled, shaking my head. This is my family now. This is who will take care of me if I get sick. I'll take care of, if they happen to get sick. Their smiling faces watch me. I smile back. That's when Louis and Eleanor walk in.

"Oh. Are we late?" Eleanor asks. Niall and I say no at the same time. "Oh good. You must be Delilah! So glade to finally meet you. Hey Dannie. Hi Perrie! How've you two been!?" She asks walking over to hug them. Then the three of them go off to some other room in the flat.

"Sooo. That was fun" Zayn says awkwardly when the girls get out of ear shot. Liam shakes his head and Louis just pays Liam's back. "Perrie really liked you though." Zayn winked. I giggle.

"Dannie, she's.... She's really nice! I promise. She just takes some time to get used to people." Liam sounded like he was protesting. Did the girls not like me? Did I do setting wrong? What was wrong with this situation?

"I can't say sorry for El. But she can for herself." Louis steps closer to me. What is going on!?

"I thought they liked me pretty well. I mean I am the outsider. Right? I'll get some getting used too. I'm not a girlfriend of anyone yet.... So.. They don't have to like me." I smile and wonder off to my room. Why don't they like me though?

When All Goes Bad (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now