Noisy Pranks and Loud Complaints

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"'Come into my world. It's bright and playful. Everyone is happy and smiling. Take a breath, Delilah. Smile into my word. Make it different to me. Show me the sun still shines. The world may be a dark and scary place, but love, let me tell you. It ain't so dark here in my wonderland. So join me won't you? Into this humble place I live in. Stay with me. Just for a second. Join me. Won't you?'"

---Chapter three---

When we get back to the flat the boys aloud me to stay in, Harry and Niall say they'll stay. They've taken a real liking to me. I know Liam and Louis and Zayn had girlfriends and I longed to meet them too. But this is a VERY big dream come true. I stop just on the second step.

Turning to see Niall behind me. "Pinch me." I whisper. He looks at me dumbfounded. I nod and hold out my arm. "Ow!" I yelp. "That actually hurt". He looked shocked.

"You told me to! I'm so sorry! Please. Pinch me back!" He holds out his arm for me to pinch. I shake my head and shove his arm away from me. Harry reaches the door of the biggest room I've ever seen in my life. "Your room" Niall says as he passes me to stand next to Harry. My jaw dropped. It was bigger than Uncle Bens house and my room back home put together. I step in.

It's huge. A single bed lay in the middle. "Fit for a princess." I say to myself. They look at me taking everything in. "I-I can't accept this" I stumble on my words. "It's too big". I explain further. They laugh. I look at them as of they're going to say something. They just laugh.

"This is the flat you'll stay in. It connected to Niall's" Harry points down the hall to a door adjacent mine. "Mines over there" he pointed to the door next to Niall's. This is better than I thought it'd be. I look again at the spacious place. The boys say goodnight and leave.

This summer is shaping up. I take a step forewords not looking where I'm stepping. I trip and slam into the doorframe. I drop to the ground as the pain is inflicted back into my right arm. I cry out in pain. Both the guys are a room away now, and can't hear me. Great. I cry out one more time. "Guys! Help!" I cry. Tears are starting to spill out of my eyes.

Getting to my knees and holding my arm to my chest. I'm sure it's broke now. It hurts so bad. I hear soft steps of feet. "Guys!" I try again. Niall pops in. He sees me and hurries over to my aid. I tell him I fell into the doorframe. He lifts me. Boy he's strong.

Setting me one my bed he calls for Harry, who seconds later, comes in. "What did you do to her!" Harry says rushing over. I try to tell him it wasn't Niall's fault. It was mine. But Niall snapped back that I tripped and fell. "We better keep a closer watch on you." Harry smiled. I can't help but laugh. His green eyes watching me. Studying me. Eyeing my every move.

"One of us should stay the night." Niall said quickly, interrupting my few seconds of feeling one with Harry. I looked at him and nodded. The pain had significantly subsided. Then I realized there was an ice pack on my arm. Held by non other than Niall. "I-I. Umm. You looked so. I got. Is it too cold?" He stuttered. I shock my head no.

What are the odds I meet One Direction on a plain, excape from Uncle Ben and mother, go to the hospital, and now I'm living with Harry and Niall!? WHAT ARE THE ODDS!?


I wake in the morning to find Niall and Harry sprawled out on the floor of my new room. "Guys. Hey guys." I say. They stir, but don't wake. "Hay guys." I say a little louder. This time Niall wakes. Opening one very blue eye of his.

He takes a second to recognize where he is. He sees me leading over the bed at him. I wave with my good arm, my left. And he waves back. "You left handed?" He asked in shock. I nod yes. "Good thing. If you'd done that to your left arm you'd be toast. Speaking of toast. I'm hungry. I'll go get some food." Niall said hopping up grabbing his keys and leaving.

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