Casts Come Off

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A/N: I Would is my favorite song on Take Me Home.


Chapter Eighteen

I wish sometimes just to sleep. It's been three weeks since the doctor let us go home. And I've only slept two hours a night. I can't sleep. Harry says I should tell the doctor. But I know why I can't sleep. The nightmares scare me. Sleep used to be the one thing that took me away. Made me happy. Now my own brain has taken that from me.

Liam comes and checks on me every other day. He constantly says I need to rest. The dark deep purple bags under my eyes aren't okay. He's such a dad sometimes. Danielle visited me the other day. She's worming up to me. Eleanor still thinks I'm out to break Niall's heart. But I'm not. I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Niall and I may live in the same flat, but I haven't seen him in the last week. I beginning to think Liam's stoping him from seeing me in such a fragile state. I think it's time for some sleeping pills. My casts come off tomorrow and I'll tell the doctor then.

Harry visits me every day. He's really become my backbone. And Jordan. She's his little helper. I have to pee. When I get to the restroom I notice a piece of paper. I read it when I'm done washing my hands.

'I miss you.'

That's all it said. I know it's from Niall. How'd he get into my bathroom. Unless he gave it to Harry to put in there. I wobble the my bedroom door. But stop just before I open it.

"She's not ready for visitors, Niall." Harry practically growled at Niall.

"You see her every day! I just want to see her! It's not fair!" Niall snaps back.

"Shut. Up! Both of you. Damn." I yell at them opening to door. "I'm fine Harry. I haven't seen my BOYFRIEND in a week." I yell wheeling Niall into my room. What the hell. Why is everyone being so cautious with me.

"Thanks love." Niall beams to me. I grunt to let hi know I'm annoyed with Harry and him. "Delilah, your eyes. Have you been sleeping?" He grabs my arm to catch my attention.

"Not a lot. Can't seem to fall into a nice sleep. But I'll be fine. I'll ask the doctor tomorrow for some sleeping pills, yeah?" I tell him. He shifts uncomfortably in his wheelchair. "Do you get your casts off tomorrow as well?" I wanted to know if we'd get to go together.

He nods and huffs. I give him a questionable look. "I just want to walk again. You know. So I can tour and be happy for the fans. They don't know about the car crash yet. And as soon as they see me they'll know! And I just. I can't live like that." He was frantically looking around my room. "You've changed it. I like it." He smiled to me.

I lean down and our faces are so close, our noses are touching. "I know." I place a soft kiss on him lips. It wasn't like I remembered it at all. I remembered sweet and playful. This kiss held so much more meaning to it. Making me forget everything. "Stay here tonight?" I asked breathlessly. He nods. "HARRY!" I shout and he rushes in. "Help Niall into the bed." I pleaded with my eyes.

"Alright." Harry smiled lifting Niall up I his arms to help move him from his wheelchair to the bed. Once he was comfortable I crawled in next to him. "You two look so perfect together." Harry beamed. "Night guys." Harry chuckled walking out of the room.

I snuggle into Niall as best I could. The casts getting in my way. But we managed. I slept very well. No nightmares. Best nights sleep in a couple of weeks. I almost didn't want to wake. But then I remembered casts can come off. I nearly hop out of bed.

"Babe, what's wrong." Shit. I placed my hand on my heart. I'd forgotten Niall'd spent the night with me. I smile at him. "Happy I see. HARRY!"

"Yeah? Ready to go?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"I'd like a shower first. And a change of clothes." Niall lifted his shirt in disgust. I giggled.

"Me too." I smile. When they're gone I wrap my right arm and leg in plastic bags so I can shower. I carefully strip down and turn on the water. I cautiously step in. The luke worm water running on my body. I wash my hair with the shampoos and conditioners. Soap off me uncovered body. The bruises fading away. I take note to the scratches and the cuts sure to scare. My body looks broken. I step out and towel off. Slipping into shorts and a tank. Something comforting to I can get the casts off easily.

I look at myself in the mirror. I look like I did three weeks before coming to London. I sigh at the girl I've become to know. I run a brush through my tangled red locks. I sighed, once more, and head out of my bathroom. I walk, mor like wobble, out to the living room. Niall was say on shorts and his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt. I smile and we head out to the hospital.

When we got there and the doctor was ready to take us back, I asked the doctor about the sleeping pills. He signs the prescriptions and hand it to me before taking the casts off my right side. The cool crisp air tingling my new skin. It feel good to not have it on anymore. When he moves to the leg cast he stops.

"We're not taking this one off just yet." He looked to me. "You broke it in more places than you were originally told. A couple more weeks and we'll get that off for ya. And if the pills haven't worked by then, than I'd like to do a sleep study on you." I nodded to his words. Damn. A few more weeks in this stupid cast. "Right now, lets go take you to see Niall." He helped me to crutches I was going to be using.

Harry stood outside of the door. We walked to Niall's and fine Liam sitting on the soft chairs in the waiting room. We sit by him. "Mate, what's taking so long?" Harry asked Liam after about thirty minutes of sitting there.

"Niall had a mishap. They had the wrong charts and whatever. So they had to go find them. And remember all of his body is in a cast. Well, most." Liam explained. I tune him out and focus on the boy crying to him mom about something.

"But mama! No! What's wrong with Daddy!? MAMA!" He yells. "Mama, please tell me. Daddy going to be okay?" The tears streaming down his face now. "Mama?" He nearly whispered. He looks about twelve. His brown hair matted to his sweaty face. His green eyes red and puffy. Face flushed. I wanted to hold him let him know his dad will be okay. Even if he may not be.

His mom just sits there and let's him yell at her with pressed lips. "You love him more than me, Blane? You love Daddy more than Mama!? That's why you're crying so much. Stop acting like a baby and shut up!" The boys mother snaps. His eyes widen in shock. I stood barely hearing Harry and Liam telling me to sit back down.

I walk over the the boy and place a hand on his back glancing to his mother. "Come here." I said softly. He glances to him mom who's attention had fallen from him and is now looking at a somewhat attractive male doctor. The boy follows me Tia couple of empty chairs. "Tell me what's going on. I'm here the listen to you." I encourage the boy.

"Dad, he was working and fell off the tall thing and onto a jackhammer. Spilling his head. Mama won't tell me much more! I'm scared for dad!" He starts to cry again. I pull him into my hug and let him cry into my tank top. He looked so lonely with his mom. So left alone. Like I felt when dad left mom and I.

"Shh. Shh." I patted his back. "He'll be fine." I cooed. Harry and Liam watched me intently.

A woman with hair like his stood in front of me towing over us. Her hazel eyes much contrasting her sons. She placed her pudgy finger in my face before growling. "You leave my son alone. He needs to grow up. And he doesn't need some hussy little girl telling him lies. Blane, lets go." An with that she yanked him up and stormed out of the hospital. I watched in disbelief. What's wrong with mothers these days!?

I storm back to the boys. Their faces he'd anger and sorrow. I ignored them. Wanting not to hear what they have to say about what had just happened. I looked to the floor.

Clashing of doors opening then closing and hollers for someone startled me enough to look up the see the boy, Blane, in front of me. "Thank you." He hugged me, placing a peck on my check then running off to his mother.

"Well, look at that. A natural with kids." Niall chuckled. When'd he get here? Didn't matter. I place a sweet loving kiss on his lips.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you, too, Delilah." He beamed at me.

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