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Chapter Twenty-Seven

It's been a month since I said bye to dad, Stan, and twins. I write them every day. And text Stan. Mostly writing letters to the boys.

Harry hasn't spoken to Jordan in almost two months now. It's starting to worry me. I thought she really liked him. I know he really liked her.

I look in the mirror, steamy from my hot shower I just took. I wipe some if the steam off. My red hair laying flat, and tangled agents my back. I run a brush through my wet hair. Wincing at the snags from the tangles.

I throw on a pair of ripped jeans and a plan grey tee with a light coat. We're in LA, going to LAX. The tour for America ended last night. It was amaZAYN.

I throw my towel in the hamper. I stop short of opening the door. I forgot my boots. I slip them on and head out. I walk over to Niall and plant a kiss on his lips, pulling away to look him in the eyes.

"Get clean." I whisper. He looks me in the eyes, nods and walks to the bathroom.

"Love you, too, Delilah!" He hollers, chuckling at the red lipstick I used to write on the mirror 'I love Nialler'.

I giggle and grab my phone from my bunk, and plug the headphones in. I hit the play button placing the earbuds in my ears. Boyfriend by Justin Bieber blast into my ears. I sing along. No one else is in the room, so why not? "I can be your gentleman!" I belt out. "If I was your boyfriend!" I finish with the song.

I open my eyes seeing Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn sitting with me in the lounge. My eyes widen.





They say. I look at them and blush. "What?" I say almost audible. They tell me what a great singer I am making me blush. They really know how to complement a girl! The bathroom door swings opens and shirtless Niall walks out.

I bite my bottom lip watching him. His abs clear as day. His blonde, wet hair all over the place. Skin almost tanned, almost pale. Legs so built. Arms showing off. He spots me and winks.

"Like what ya see, love?" He makes a kissy face. I roll my eyes. Ignoring everyone's hots and hollers.

"Ready to say goodbye to the tour bus and hello to the plane?" Liam asks looking at his watch. We're parked at the airport. Our bags already checked in. I nod and get up. I follow Liam out the door. Niall follows me.

"Oh. It's chilly." I say smiling into the crisp December air. My favorite month is December. When I was little before dad left, we'd spend the whole month decorating the house.

Not just in Christmas stuff, but in like New Years stuff as well. I close my eyes and take a deep breath of the air. Usually I'd be snowing and mom would make me put seven coats on.

The caring mom that is. Now she doesn't care. I fell a warm hand fit perfectly in mine. Like its made just for me. I smile at my own thought.

I smile at Niall, who's wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Harry's on the other side of me talking on the phone. I don't pay attention to him.

Well, I try not too. But the kids RIGHT there! "Yes, Jordan. I get it. Stop." His voice cracks. He steps aside just before the door. "Jordan, I'll call you when we land. Okay?" He questions her. "Stop crying. You're gonna make me cry." I closes his eyes tight. Niall's grasp around my hand tightens.

Like he's pulling me away. But Harry. He's almost crying. I tug my hand away from Niall and pear out the window at Harry who's now sat on a bench. Phone pressed to his ear.

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