Chapter 16: Loving the bad boys name: Here's your drink cutie

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Bree's POV

"Pay attention to me!"

I stare in annoyance at Ryder as we both lay on my bed, me on top of him in a straddle position. I frown when he doesn't look up from his phone, his fingers flying across the screen as he texts.

"Ryder, pay attention to me!" I tell him once again, a pout settling on my lips.

When he still doesn't pry his eyes away from his phone, I smile victoriously and snatch it from his grasp, shoving it into my bra.

He sends me an amused look. "And what makes you think I won't go in there and get it?" He teases biting his lip, his eyes firmly placed on my boobs.

I roll my eyes at his comment. "You came into my room to ignore me." I state.

Ryder lets out a low laugh, holding onto my waist with both hands. "Baby, I wasn't ignoring you."

I eye him cautiously. "Okay then, let's do something fun." I challenge, waiting for his reaction.

He shrugs. "Alright, name it."

I rub my hands up and down his broad chest as I stare off into the distance, trying to come up with an idea. I feel Ryder's eyes on me whilst I think. "Ooh I know." I say excitedly. "There's this new horror movie I've been dying to see."

He takes ahold of my hands, giving them a light squeeze, a questioning look present on his face. "I don't sure you won't get scared?"

I scoff. "Are you mistaking me for someone else?"

"You're right, it's a date." He says through a laugh before reaching a hand up and slipping it into my bra to retrieve his phone.

I gape at his boldness. "You've got nerve, Anders."

Suddenly, my phone rings from the other side of my bedroom. I quickly climb off Ryder and walk towards my phone, reading the contact.

"Look who's on the phone now." Ryder calls out to me, sitting up on my bed. I roll my eyes, waving him off dismissively and pressing the green answer call button.

"Hey, Chanel." I say, tuning into her voice.

"Hey Bree, what's up?" She asks.

I look back at Ryder to see him getting up from the bed and plugging his phone into the charger. "Um, Ryder and I are making movie plans. There's this new horror we-"

Chanel cuts me off before I have time to finish my sentence. "Oh cool, sounds like fun. I'll be there."

I frown. "Well actually I-"

"Text me when you're leaving. I'll give you a ride."

"But Chanel-"

"Okay I'm getting ready now...toodles!"

I got to intercept again but she hangs up the phone before I even have time to register what was even going on. I stare at my phone dumbfounded.

"What'd she want?" Ryder asks, his frame towering behind mine as he wraps a muscular arm around my waist, delicately moving my hair out the way with his free hand to press his lips against my neck.

"Um, I think she just infiltrated our date."


Chanel is a horrible driver.

If I had known she intended to kill herself and everyone else in the car every time she drove, I never would've willingly step foot in her car.

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