Chapter 2: Loving the bad boys name: Rules are overrated

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Bree's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face.

The feeling of Ryder stroking my hair had caused my heart rate to quicken. I don't think any amount of time could help me control the tingles I get from his touch. I decide to keep my eyes closed and pretend to sleep, liking the way his hand ran through my brown hair. I hear his deep chuckle, his bare chest moving up and down against me as he did so. "I know that you're awake princess and good morning."

I sigh, spinning on my side to face him, propping my head up with my palm. "You caught me." I grin cheekily, my eyes darting to his usual morning bed head, swollen lips and puffy eyes. I take a moment to admire his face. He had the most beautiful eyes; they were the deepest shade of brown. I then stared at his nose, the faintest of freckles displayed across them. It really couldn't get much better than this, I told myself. "So what do you wanna do today?" I question, turning to lay on my back.

"I have an idea in mind..." He says, flashing me his dimple winning smile. "And we don't even have the leave the bed." He mutters, slowly leaning over to kiss me but I act fast, and draw back from him covering my mouth.

He frowns. "What's wrong?"

"Morning breath." I whisper in embarrassment, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Shut up." Ryder states, disregarding my complaint and leaning over pecking my lips anyways. "If I got to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of time, it still wouldn't be long enough." He sighs, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck, wrapping an arm around my waist. I smile widely at his confession, my hand reaching up to stroke his unruly brown locks.

How did I get so lucky?

Suddenly my bedroom door was burst open, my eyes widening as I quickly pushed Ryder off of me. I feel my confidence level instantly shrink as the authoritative figure stood before us. I let out a nervous laugh before speaking. "Uncle Richard, hey..."

He totally ignored me however, his murky green orbs narrowing in on Ryder. "What are you doing in here boy? Did you not see the bedroom next door all neatly set up?"

Ryder sits up, stretching his arms out. "Yeah, I did." He says almost incoherently through a yawn.

"And did you not think to use it?" Richard asks, waving his hands around in frustration.

Ryder looks between me and my uncle then back to me and again my uncle. "Mmh, I didn't give it much thought." He admits honestly.

Ricky musters up a look of pure hatred. I thought he was about to lose it but he somehow channels some sort of willpower and collects himself, planting a smile on his face. "Should we all discuss this down in the main lounge hmmm?" Uncle Richard stated, less of a question and more of a command. My uncle doesn't exactly like me dating. He was a little overprotective of me, but Ricky was like that with all his family, he was protective but that was his way of showing he cares.

I swallowed a hard lump in my throat, throwing the duvet off of me and hopping out of bed. Thankfully, I had decided not to sleep in my underwear, instead opting for a crop top and a pair of cotton shorts.

With a satisfied nod, my uncle leaves my room and I obediently follow after him. I hear the footsteps of Ryder behind me so I quickly push him back into my room. I whisper harshly knowing Richard was not going to like that fact he was just in his boxers.

"Go put some clothes on!"


"Let's talk about the rules..."

Ryder and I sat in the main lounge as we watched an agitated uncle Richard pace around the room.

The main lounge was massive to say the least. A silver chandelier was placed in the centre of the ceiling, there were white leather chairs and plump black cushions to contrast them. A plasma television hung on the wall that was directly opposite the marble coffee table that was decorated with a few small plant pots and a certain selected amount of gardening magazines. My uncle was loaded, he owns a chain of restaurants around New York. I kinda found it sad however, that he had all these luxuries and no one to share them with. Richard never had kids or got married, he's always alone. My family used to invite him over for holidays like Easter and Christmas but he'd always say he'd rather be in his own company.

He was weird like that, I suppose you could call him the 'black sheep' of the family.

I raised an eyebrow, confused as to what he was taking about. "There was no rules before..."

Uncle Richard nodded. "That was before, this time he came." He says, gesturing to Ryder.

Ryder smirked, leaning back in the couch and resting his hands behind his head as he purposely shuffled closer to me. I knew Ryder would enjoy pushing his buttons, he had come down in joggers but had still decided not to put a shirt on, much to my enjoyment but also dismay.

Again, Richard tried to ignore Ryder's antics without showing a sign of irritation, but failed miserably. I bit my lip, trying not to laugh. Ryder was fishing and my uncle was happily biting the bait, it was slightly fun to watch. "Rule number one." Richard states, holding up his index finger. "Your curfew's no later than midnight. Rule number two, there's to be strictly no parties in my house, rule number three, I really don't feel like raising a pregnant teenager so both of you be careful, would you? Rule four-"

I hold my palm out to stop Ricky, his incessant pacing driving me crazy. "Can you stop walking around like a mad man uncle Richard?" I ask.

I loved Ricky to death but he was always so extremely intense. He sighs, pulling up the front of his khakis before taking a seat on a matching couch opposite of us. "Rule four..." He carries on. "Keep your grades up, nobody's failing their senior year under my watch. Rule five, under no circumstances will you touch my golf trophies—Ryder are you listening?"

Turning my attention off uncle Richard, I look to see Ryder engaged in the phone grasped in his hands, his fingers flying across the screen as he typed. Ryder finally draws his eyes away from his phone and shrugs. "Alec texted me." He states, holding up his phone as proof as if Ricky even knew who that was.

Mt uncle's jaw ticked as if he was going to snap at him but thankfully sides against it. Moments later, Herman gracefully saunters into the lounge, gaining the attention of all of us. "Mr Tomas, I apologise for interrupting but you've got an important call waiting for you in your office." Uncle Richard nods, standing up and heading out of the door.

"See ya, Ricky." Ryder calls teasingly after him.

I turn to Ryder. "So, what'd you want to do now?"

Ryder casually slings his heavy arm over my shoulder before kissing me sloppily on the cheek.

"I can think of a few things."


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