Chapter 30: Loving the bad boys name: You're f*cking breaking her man 2

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Bree's POV

We were finally at the party.

I murmur apologises as I excuse myself and make my way through all the sweaty intoxicated bodies, heading towards the bathroom. I had been looking for Ryder but that search had been interrupted for my need to pee. Once so finally reach my destination, I push open the bathroom door to see a tall figure perched against the sink.


I quickly scramble to apologise. "I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here."

He waves me off, pressing up from the sink to stand in front of me. "Nah it's okay. I should've locked the door."

"Okay." I murmur, looking between Ryder and the door deciding whether or not I should when a thought pops into my head and I begin laughing.

Ryder watches me for a moment quizzically before speaking up. "What's so funny?"

I smile fondly. "Do you remember the last time we were in a bathroom together at a party?"

He frowns. "No."

"Liar." I retort, aiming an accusing finger at him as I call out his lie.

"Okay, fine I do." He admits with a sigh. "I nearly shit myself when Brec came in and caught us..."

I laugh at the memory. "She was so drunk I'm pretty sure she still doesn't remember any of it."

"I should've just grew some balls and kissed you." He says cringing. "But I was so confused at that point, I didn't even know what I felt for you."

"You may have been confused but that was the night I realised I liked you." I admit with a shrug.

"Yeah, well I am pretty irresistible." Ryder retorts, a wide grin of his face.

"Oh, I know." I reply teasingly.

I hear Ryder mumble to himself but I manage to catch it. "Clearly not enough for you."

I frown. "Ryder..."

"I've gotta go. I'll leave you to it." He speaks quickly, dodging eye contact with me as he rushes away. As I watched him scramble out the bathroom, it reminded me of last time, however on this occasion he was leaving me with a completely different feeling...



Ryder's POV

I had left Bree in the bathroom and grabbed a beer; it was all getting too much for me. I had managed to find this balcony to get some fresh air.

So that's where I was, alone in the cold air on some rando guys balcony, drinking my sorrows away.

I knew if I spoke to her any longer, she'd wiggle her way back into my heart. One look at her dough brown eyes and contagious smile and I felt like I was all hers again. Knowing all of that, I still let her speak to me in the first place and didn't leave the bathroom immediately; I guess the amount of control I have when I'm around Bree is limited.

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