Chapter 5: Loving the bad boys name: Here for me

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Bree's POV

"Please don't make me go."

Ryder pleaded as I aimlessly tried to pull him along the stoned path.

It was our first day of school and to say Ryder was reluctant to start would be the understatement of the century. He had continuously stuck to the notion that he was anti-school and that the schooling system had it out for him. However I had reminded him that if it weren't for school we never would've met. Ryder was definitely not one to get nervous but secretly I think he kinda was and it made me like him even more.

I groan impatiently, clinging forcefully on his forearm. "YOU. HAVE. TO. GO. IN." I heave pulling him harder after my every word.

I honestly should be given a medal for the lengths I've gone to to get Ryder this close to the school grounds. In fact, the only reason I had managed to get Ryder out of his bed this morning is because I had told him we were going for ice cream.

He was a sucker for ice cream.

I run a distressed hand through my ponytail pushing the stray strands of hair off my forehead that were mixed in with beads of sweat. I frown realising that I probably looked like a crazy person, this has officially gone on for way too long. I straighten from my arched position, letting go of my once determined grip on Ryder's arm before I speak. "What'll make you..." I angle an arm to point at the high metal gate surrounding the school behind me. "...walk with me, through them?"

Ryder thinks for a brief second, placing a hand on his chin before his eyes brighten. I stand there taking him all in, even though I was frustrated with him I wasn't blind, he still was extremely attractive and that made it slightly less hard to stay angry. I watch slowly as a small smirk evades his lips before he opens his mouth to conclude his final thoughts. "Absolutely nothing."

"Nothing, seriously?"

He shrugs. "Sorry babe but there's nothing you could possibly do to make me... HEY COOL BIKE." I follow his line of vision to see a black metal contraption just a few meters away in student car park.

"Oh, you can't actually—" I cut myself off when I realise Ryder was not paying attention to what I was saying and had instead absentmindedly sauntered past me, heading in the direction of the motorbike. I somewhat scolded myself for not thinking of this myself. Of course, it would be something as simple as a motorbike to so easily sway Ryder's mind and get him to enter somewhere he had previously been so against.

The owner of the motorcycle takes off his helmet before standing up off the bike, swinging his leg from around it and for the first time I take him in. He looked around our age, I'm guessing seventeen or eighteen. He wore a black t-shirt that fitted to his body tightly, a fashion choice he clearly chose to show off any definition and muscle that he had, as well as some black ripped jeans which had a slight sag to them. The only colour visible in his outfit was the navy jacket that clung to his shoulders but even that wasn't the biggest contribution.

I watched as Ryder approaches the mystery guy and the two of them converse like they were two old friends catching up with each other. I admired Ryder's ability to do that, to so easily converse with strangers and not give a damn about being judged. I would call myself a confident person but it's always nice to have a reminder that situations don't have to scare you if you don't let them.

The sound of two arguing voices easily made me lose interest in Ryder's budding bromance as I turn to look at them stood in the car park. It was a girl and guy, who by my best guess were a couple. The girl clearly frustrated, throws her hands up in the air whilst the guy who towered over her, had his arms folded, as they continued in their heated discussion. All of a sudden, both of them fixate their eyes on me and I quickly turn my crimson face to look anywhere but them.

"Hey you, over there!"

The leggy blonde calls out, so hesitantly I turn my head in her direction hoping she'd be looking at anybody else but me. The last thing I need on my first day is to get into confrontation, we all know I've had enough of that to last me a lifetime. We make eye contact and it becomes more than obvious that she was waiting for me to reply. "Hey what's up?" I call putting on a smile as I walk over to them.

The girl smiles back at me and suddenly the situation doesn't seem so nerve-racking at all. "My idiot of a boyfriend over here, doesn't think he needs to give me back the money that he owes me." She complains flicking her golden hair over her shoulder.

The guy runs the tips of his fingers against the sides of his temples. "Random stranger, would you please tell my foolish girlfriend that when somebody says 'I'll pay you back', they won't actually do it."

"Look, can you just tell him he's wrong." She asks, leaving me no time to reply, her fierce pair of electric blue eyes searching mine.

I stood frozen on the spot, like a deer in headlights. I was completely unsure of what to do. I'm not even in the building yet and I'm being bombarded with questions from people I didn't even know. I felt like whatever I said someone would be upset. In the end I chose to say nothing.

"Oh great! You've scared her shitless, you've got to stop doing that Mason."

"I scared her? It was you and your crazy death stare. I told you, it's only fun in bed, the rest of the time it's just weird, Nina." The guy snaps back at her.

"I'm sorry, let's start over. I'm Nina and this is Mason. I haven't seen you here before are you a new student?" Nina sends me a warm smile.

I nod, feeling myself automatically relax. "I'm Bree and over there is my boyfriend, Ryder."


"So I never asked what brings you here?" Nina questions as we walk down the school corridor together. "You know not that I have a problem with it, I actually love meeting new people it's just that it's senior year so why move schools now?" Nina had offered to take me to my first class, whilst Mason and the guy who's name I had found out was Blake took Ryder to his first class on the other side of school.

"Oh I actually moved to New York for an internship at Deception, you know the fashion studio."

She gapes at me as we reach her locker. "No way my friend Sarah just started interning there." She says in excitement as she enters her locker combination.

I think of the brunette I met on my first day. "I actually met her. She's really cool."

"Oh I know. I have an excellent friend selection, which now includes you." She grins, sassily pointing a finger at me. I smile turning to look at the students conversing with each other in the corridor.

"Wait..." She pauses slamming her locker shut so I turn back in her direction. "Your boyfriend followed you all the way to New York just to be with you?"

I nod my head, a nervous smile creeping on my face. I think there were certain people that come in your life and are destined to stay there forever and I believe wholeheartedly that Ryder is a prime example of one of those people. It still sounded way too good to be true, no matter how many times anyone said it.

He was here for me.

Nina leans against her locker before speaking. "Woah, that's amazing, Mason doesn't even like getting the subway with me to Coney Island." She lifts a brow in realisation as her laughter fills the air and I find myself laughing along with her.

Suddenly a loud screeching noise sounded through the intercom, and I quickly place my hands over my ears to stop the impending pain bleeding through my eardrums. When I was certain that the overbearing noise was over, I looked up over at Nina who had an amused expression painted onto her face. "That's supposed to be the bell?" I complain in agony.

Nina nudges me as she pushes herself off the locker. "Come on drama queen you'll get used to it."

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