Chapter 21: Loving the bad boys name: You're a badass

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Bree's POV

It was Monday morning.

Now usually I'm not the biggest fans of Monday's, neither was I the biggest morning person. But today is when we find out who's sketches were chosen and will have their designs modelled in the fashion show. Sarah, Blake, Ryder and I had all gathered to our normal cafeteria table to wait for the results.

"This is the third time you've checked your emails in the last minute."

I snap my head over to Ryder, who was sat next to me. "What's your point?"

Ryder leans over, reaching towards my phone, tightly grasped in my hands. "Maybe you should put the phone down and-"

"Whatever part of your body that touches my phone, you will lose!" I shout at him, slapping his hand away.

"Are you sure you're even gonna find out this early in the morning?" Blake asks, sipping some of his coffee.

I shrug. "Amira told me we can find out at any time today. Doesn't matter when." I explain.

"Bree, I've got an email..." Sarah says, nervously making eye contact with me.

I eagerly lean over the table, trying to see her phone. "Well, what does it say?" I ask skeptically.

She clicks on the email and we all watch as she reads through it, a smile slowly etching wider onto her face the more she reads. "I got second place!"

I walk around the table, engulfing Sarah in a hug. "I'm so happy for you. You deserve it."


"It's okay....alright thanks. I'll talk to you later." I say ending the phone call with Amira.

"Well, what'd she say?" Nina asks as her and Tanner watch me in anticipation.

Nina, Tanner and I had a free period so we were currently hiding out in an empty classroom so we could wait to see if I receive any news.

I shrug. "She hasn't heard anything."

"Don't worry Bree." Tanner says, rubbing my shoulder comfortingly. "I'm sure you're gonna get it."

"I don't even know why you're stressing so much. We all know I'm gonna get a place and you're not." We all turn to Florence as she sits in the corner of the room, a disinterested look on her face.

I roll my eyes. "Florence, why are you even here, again?"

She grins at me, shrugging slightly. "I want to be with you so I can see your face when I receive confirmation that I've got third place and you haven't."

After asking a few people at our internship, we'd found out that a girl named Dulcie had gotten first place. So there was only one spot left.

"Don't be so sure about that Florence." Tanner calls out to her. "There's no way that they pick your designs over Bree's. Her's are amazing."

Florence tuts at Tanner. "Your opinion means very little to me, Elliott."

Tanner laughs sarcastically. "Just like you mean little to literally...everyone."

Florence feigns hurt, holding onto her chest. "Ouch. I'd be offended if I hadn't already said—"

"Yeah, yeah we get it." Tanner rolls her eyes, cutting her off. "My opinion, blah blah blah."

"Shush!" I yell excitedly as a new email pops up on my phone. I quickly rise to my feet, reading the email.

Florence scoffs. "There's no way you got an email before—"

"Shhh!" I repeat again, waving my hand dismissively at her as I continue to read my phone.

"Well...?" Nina asks hesitantly.

"I got third." I tell them.

"Does that mean...?"

I nod excitedly. "I'm in!"


"Have I mentioned I'm really proud of you?" Ryder asks, leaning down and kissing my temple.

It was much later in the day and Ryder and I were curled up together in my bed. When we got home from school, we had invited all our friends round to celebrate Sarah and I's win. Not that I don't miss my uncle Richard, but I was thankful he had gone on away on a business trip because he wouldn't of allowed it if he was here. I had made sure to call my family and let them know that I had come in third place and I also had obviously called Amira and Heath to thank them for encouraging me to enter in the first place.

I laugh. "Only like a hundred times." I say sarcastically.

"Well I am. You're a badass Bree Tomas."

"Thanks." I tell him, smiling as I sigh contently in his arms before a thought pops into my head.

"I'm going to shower." I tell him, recoiling his strong arm from around my body and standing up from the bed. I reach my bedroom doorway before turning back to him.

"Wanna join me?"

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