Chapter 3: Loving the bad boys name: She-devils don't get magazines

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Bree's POV

"Red lipstick suits you."

I giggle as Ryder rubs at his lips, desperately trying to rid the red smear our kiss had left on his mouth just moments ago. We were currently waiting in the reception area at Deception waiting for my mentor. To tell the truth I was excited but also nervous for my first day. Ryder had noticed that too as instead of driving back home after dropping me off like we had previously agreed, he told me he wanted to stay and support me. We both knew he had really meant stay and comfort me.

Around half the girls and guys had already been taken by their mentors as I patiently waited for mine. I tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear, my foot tapping against the grey carpeted floor. I just hoped I had a mentor that was easy going.

"Elle or Vogue?"

I turn to look at the magazines Sarah had in her hands. I briefly scan the both of them before I point at the first one, settling on the Elle magazine. The big blue eyed girl smiles and hands me the magazine as she flicks through the one that I hadn't selected. Ryder and I had met Sarah when we first walked in around ten minutes ago. I had also found out she went to the same school that Ryder and I would be attending, which was cool.

"Don't I get a magazine?"

In that time we had also met Florence Hart, who I had already given the nickname she-devil to. She was entitled, bratty and had also tried to outrightly hit on Ryder numerous times.

I sigh, closing my magazine and turning to Florence. "She-devils don't get magazines."

She flips her glossy blonde hair behind her shoulder. "Oh I'm sorry, did I ask for you to speak?"

I shrug, inspecting my newly manicured nails. "Well nobody asked you to speak either and yet we all still have to listen to your whiny, irritating voice."

"You know, I feel really sorry for your boyfriend for having to put up with you." Florence admits.

"At least I can get a boyfriend, you know unlike you who tries to steal them." I say rolling my eyes.

She stands up, trying to seem authoritative as she scowls at me. "Who'd you think you are?"

In that moment, a tall women walks through the double glass doors, clipboard placed firmly between her newly manicured fingers. "Bree Tomas?"

"And that would be me." I smile, Ryder and I simultaneously going to stand up.

I bid goodbye to Sarah before turning to look up at Ryder, releasing a big sigh. He rubs his hands up and down my forearms and I melt into his touch. He leans down to kiss my cheek before he whispers. "Good luck princess."

I smile at him warmly before leaving our seating area and walking through the double doors my mentor had held open for me. We walked down one of the many long purple corridors which was decorated with pictures of models posing for magazine covers like Teen Vogue and Glamour.

We finally reached her office and she pushes open the doors and we both walk in. She holds out her hand for my jacket and I slide it off before handed it to her, watching as she hung it on the coat rack. She gestures for me to take a seat on one of the plush leather chairs whilst she perches on the end of her desk and smiles. "I'm Amira, and I'll be your mentor for the next two years."

"Nice to meet you, Amira." I smile back at the dark haired women, her hair styled into a compact, slick back tight bun. Amira didn't look that much older than me, it was probably due to her baby face. She seemed like a wise person with experience but also someone who could relate to problems a girl my age might have.

"Well you'll be here getting to know what it's like to work at a top fashion studio in New York City. I'll take you under my wing and teach you everything I know about design, modelling and photography." She tells me.

I lean toward in my seat, excited to start. "Okay, so what do you want me to do first?"

"First, we party."


"Sarah, just go speak to him."

I urge Sarah as we stood near the food table at the welcome party. Who knew Sarah would be someone to get so dazzled by a famous person.

"Nuhuh. He's a famous model Bree. He is among the richest and most famous Hollywood has to offer." Sarah explains, staring longingly into the distance.

Starstuck much?

"I mean it's just Heath Jackson, he's no Harry Styles." I shrug, taking a sip of my fruit punch. "Besides, last time I checked, he's still just a human being."

Groups of in awe teenagers swarmed the handsome supermodel, a big circle formed around him as they all vied for his attention.

"You ladies could never get a man like that." The screechy voice says from behind us, and I turn around to face Florence.

Well, she wasn't lying.

Purposely choosing to keep that thought in my head,
I grin. "So why don't you put those flirting skills to use and get his number?"

She thinks about my proposition for a brief second before shoving her drink into my hand and adjusting her boobs that were suffocating in her skimpy neon crop top. "Oh I will, watch this Bea."

"It's Bree." I call after her.

I turn back to Sarah who has an amused looked of disbelief on her face. "You're really not gonna tell her he's gay?" She laughs folding her arms.

I think about it, watching as Florence makes her way through the crowd and begins making advances at the A list model. "I think she's about to find out,!"

Heath leans down and whispers something in her ear, a look of horror flashing on her face. We suddenly make eye contact, the snarl on Florence's lips prominent as she marches over to me. I quickly turn in the opposite direction and avert my eyes, trying hard to keep the smirk off my face.


"Ha! I knew you knew my name." I say spinning around the face her.

Florence places her hand on her hips, leaning closer to me. "You know Bree, you should really fix this main character syndrome you've got going on."

"I will when you fix your nose." I retort, shifting my weight onto one leg. "Oh wait, I see you've already done that."

"Hey Bree, isn't that your mentor?"

Some random girl comes up to me, her finger pointing to the scene unfolding in front of me. Amira approaches Heath Jackson and he engulfs her in an embracing hug as they both laughed, as if they shared a secret only between the two of them.

"You never told me Amira was friends with Heath Jackson." Sarah tells me in excitement, gripping onto my arm.

That's because it was news to me too.

They both turn towards me and it takes me a second to realise they're beckoning me over. I turn to Florence, the scowl on her face making me smile.

"I hate you." Florence grumbles, stomping her high-heeled clad foot onto the ground.

"Oh put a sock in it she-devil."

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