Chapter 25: Loving the bad boys name: All good things must come to an end

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Bree's POV

"Look, I can explain." I tell him hastily as he approaches.

"Carson, really? Are you fucking serious Bree?" Ryder yells at me in anger, not caring who hears.

I frown, finding myself rambling trying to give him an answer. "I wanted to tell you myself. I was going to but—"

"Fuck you." He shouts at me, his chest heaving up and down in rage. I physically shrink back, tears I had only moments ago contained threatening to brim to my eye's surface. His next words hit me like a ton of brick, my body suddenly feeling numb. "We're done."

"Come on bro. Let's go." Blake says trying to push Ryder further down the hall and away from the whole scene.

"Ryder, I'm sorry!" I try to follow after him, tears streaming down my face. Those two words had hurt me more than any physical pain ever could.

Tanner and Nina stop me before I could reach him.

"Let him cool down first." Nina tells me, comfortingly rubbing my arm. I suddenly feel everyone's eyes on me so I avert my eyes to the ground feeling nauseous. I nod in agreement, the bile rising in my throat stopping me from speaking.

Chanel wraps arm around my shoulder, spinning me in the opposite direction towards the school entrance. "We're going home. Let's go."


"He's not coming back is he?"

It was 11pm and I was pacing around the kitchen. Ryder still wasn't come home and hadn't replied to a single one of my numerous text and calls. After Chanel and I left school, I had come home, greeted by a concerned Lauren who took one look at me and instantly came to comfort me. I had been too distraught to fill her in on what had happened so Chanel had to.

"Bree, just breathe." Chanel tells me, mimicking the breathing in-and-out action. "I'm sure wherever he is, he's fine."

I shake my head, heading for the door. "I need to find him."

"You don't even know where he'll be..." Lauren calls after me.

"I think I have an idea." I yell back in response as I leave the house, an exact location in mind.


"Can I speak to Ryder?"

I stand face to face with Blake outside his door. The weather in New York had turned cold. I found it quite ironic, how the weather had worsened throughout the day. Just like my relationship with Ryder had.

Blake sighs, looking back into his house for a few seconds before turning back to me with a saddened look on his face. "Bree, I don't think this is the best—"

"Please." I beg Blake, rubbing my hands together, the cold weather taking a toll on me.

He nods, sending me an apologetic smile as he heads into the house. A minute later, his position in the doorway is replaced with Ryder. I feel my mood instantly perk up just at the sight of him but it quickly falls as soon as I properly take him in. His lips are set in a thin line, his red eyes staring at me with no emotion, almost lifeless. It did nothing less then break my heart.

"Hey." I speak softly but I don't get a reply. I sigh. "Come on Ryder, say something to me..."

"Why'd you do it?"

I'm taken aback by his question, I furrow my brows together. "What? Why'd I kiss him?"

"No." He shakes his head. "Why'd you not tell me about it? Bree, it's not even the fact that you did it that angers me the most. It's the fact that you lied to me. I had to hear that my girlfriend kissed some other dude from Florence Hart of all people."

I stop myself from rolling my eyes in irritation of Florence. Even though she had pulled a snakey move, I couldn't be angry at her. It was my fault I was in this situation. "She promised me that she'd let me do it. I swear I was going to tell you..."

"Were you though?" He snaps, folding his arms. "If Florence never found out would you have ever told me at all?"

I frown, hurt by his question. "Of course I would have."

He sighs, shaking his head. "I don't believe you."

"Ryder..." I say, reaching out to grab his hand but he pulls back, my heart instantly sinking at his resection.

This was the first time during this conversation that I had seen him show any other emotion besides indifference, however it was not an emotion I liked. It was anger. "What happened to our promise?" He narrows his eyes at me, pointing a finger at me accusingly. "Y'know, the one you insisted we made where we said we'd tell each other everything? You could've told me straight away but instead you froze me out and made me think I was the problem."

I pull at my hair in frustration, eager to make this right. "It was the stupidest thing I've ever done and I can't tell you how sorry I am."

He shakes his head, physically taking a step back from me. "Sorry isn't gonna cut it; you cheated on me Bree. I came to New York for you and you cheated on me. What am I actually even doing here, anymore?"

"Ryder, just listen to me-" I try to get him to understand but he cuts me off.

"No Bree, I'm done." He says definitively, raising his hands up in surrender.

I frown. "Done?"

"Done." He concludes confidently.

I knew Ryder and I could tell there was no getting through to him. At least not in this moment, there were too many raw emotions lingering. "Okay...I'll see you around I guess." I say hopefully, looking for even a slither of an indication that he would want to sort this out but he doesn't give me one. Instead, he just closes the door on me.

I slowly turn away from the door as tears fall down my face as I walk away, the only sound in the frosty evening air being my sobs. I whip out my phone, calling the only person I wanted to talk to right now.

"Hey mom." I whimper as she eventually picks up the phone.

"Bree, your voice is trembling. Are you crying honey?" She asks me, concern in her voice.

"Mom, I fucked up. Ryder, h-he hates me and I-I..." I ramble on, unable to form a coherent sentence as I walk down the street.

"Honey, slow down. What's happened?" Her voice is comforting. Blah blah. I try to collect myself, taking a deep breath to try and control the thoughts racing through my head.

I close my eyes, and breathe out trying to catch my breath as I tell my mom what I was dreading would happen...the worst possible outcome.

"Ryder dumped me..."

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