Chapter 19: Loving the bad boys name: He's not a freaking disco ball

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Bree's POV

"Hey, you're wearing the necklace I got you."

Ryder speaks to me from the couch as I enter the livingroom. I reach out to touch the chain around my neck, smiling fondly. I had found the necklace Ryder gave to me before I told him I was moving to New York in one of my draws.

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any cuter." He says drawing me closer and pulling me onto his lap.

I wrap my arms around him and tuck my head in the crook of his neck. We just stayed there. Letting the silence settle of us.

"Hey." He speaks, capturing my attention. "Do you think it's weird that we don't argue?"

I scoff sarcastically at his comment, inspecting my nails. "What? Is the fairytale we live in not for you anymore, Anders?"

I look up at him as he shakes him head, a smirk on his lips. "You'll always be the one for me. I'm just saying most couples argue a little, right?"

"Well you are a little sloppy..." I say teasingly.

He snorts. "And you're unusually unfit."

I look at him in shock, sitting up on his lap. "And you're always eating. I'm convinced it's just to keep feeding your ego."

"Y'know now that I think about it, it's actually weird how obsessed with froot loops you are..."

I gape at him. "I would send you an ugly look but I see you've already got one."

"Well your face makes onions cry." He retorts back, sticking his tongue out at me.

I laugh incredulously. "Ryder, the toilet is actually jealous with the amount of shit you're full of."

He scoffs. "You really wanna talk about toilets? Seeing as though that's the first place you run to when you've had anything remotely spicy."

I narrow my eyes. "Too far."


"I'm going to get something to drink."

I tell Chanel, Sarah and Mei as I roll off of Nina's bed, heading for the door. Nina, Chanel, Mei, Sarah and I had decided to have a 2 Broke Girls Marathon.

"WAIT!" Chanel calls out to me, stopping me in my tracks.

I rub my ears sensitively, her screech temporarily damaging them. "Yes?" I ask with a grimace.

"Austin is out there..." She trails off.

"So?" I ask sending her an irritated look.

Sarah leans forwards, her eyes wide with concern as she whispers. "What if he dazzles you?"

I fold my arms in amusement. "Again with the dazzle? Are you guys being serious?"

"You guys are so stupid." Nina tells us, walking out of her bathroom, hearing our whole conversation. "He's not a freaking disco ball, he won't dazzle you."

"Bree Tomas!" Mei calls. "You may not believe us now but he's got magical powers. Whatever you do, don't look him in the eyes. He will, I repeat will make you get lost in them."

I send her a weird look, slowly making my way out of the room. "Thanks, but I'll take my chances."

I cautiously close the door and turn around, bumping straight into someone on my way to the stairs.

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