Chapter 28: Loving the bad boys name: If you're lucky

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Bree's POV

Ryder and I have been broken up for 2 weeks.

In that time, we had formed a daily routine. I'd approach him, he'd say a maximum of five words or ignore me completely and then I'd watch as he walked away.

Currently, I was sat at our regular lunch table with Tanner, Nina, Mason and Hunter when all of a sudden Parker and Florence are walking up to us, hand-in-hand.

"Sup, guys." Parker greets us like everything was normal.

"Um Parker, what's your dog doing here?" Tanner asks feigning innocence. "You know animals aren't allowed on the school premises." She says smugly.

Parker sighs. "C'mon Tanner..."

"So you two are" Mason asks, a grimace on his face.

Florence and Parker look at each other for approval before they turn back to us. "Yeah, I guess." Parker shrugs.

"Is she making you say this?" Nina asks them, a worried look on her face. "Blink once for no and twice for yes."

"This isn't a joke guys." Parker says sincerely. "I really like her and I'd really love it if you all could get along."

Hunter scoffs in disbelief. "I'm sorry Park but how the hell did you end up with Florence Hart?"

We all look at him for an answer but before he gives us one, he turns to Florence with an apologetic smile. "Flo, could you give us a sec?"

Florence nods and turns to walk away before quickly spinning back around, her eyes falling on me. "Bree, I just wanna say I'm sorry. I never should've used something that was going on in your life as leverage to win the fashion show. I never should've blackmailed you and I never should've gone back on our deal." I stare dumbfounded at her and she gradually walks away, her apology leaving everyone speechless.

"You're still a bitch!" Tanner calls after her.

Parker rolls his eyes at Tanner's outburst as he slides into a seat on the table. "Look guys, a couple weeks ago, I was working a shift at my dads frozen yoghurt place and she came in with her mom. You should've heard the things she was saying to her in front of everyone, it was like she was trying to destroy her self confidence. If she's capable of saying such vile words to her in person then I can only image the reckoning she gets in private."

"Okay hold on..." Nina interjects, garnering all of our attentions. "That still doesn't explain how you two got together."

Parker nods, carrying on with his story. "Later on, I went to her house to see if she was okay and we just talked. We talked for a fucking long time and she's not anything like what she makes herself out to be, trust me."

"Guys, as much as I hate to say this, I believe Parker. Florence's mom really isn't the most tolerable person to be around." Mason tells us.

We all look around at each other as we take in Mason's words.

Tanner scoffs. "Okay so you're boning her, but what does that have to do with us?"

Parker frowns. "Look, I know she's done some horrible stuff, to all of us, but having a mother like that I kinda understand why she's the way she is."

"Oh please. That whole 'hurt people hurt people' complex is bullshit." Nina concludes before she stares at us in shock, taken aback by her own words.

"Hold up Bree, you haven't said anything." Parker says which makes everyone turns to me. "Do you think you can forgive her?"

I sigh, my mind conflicted. I disliked Florence for what she did to me but I also didn't want to be the person who again divided this friendship up. "I'll think about it." I tell them all honestly.


"Need some help?" Ryder asks as I struggle with my backpack, the enormous amount of books I had shoved in there weighing me down. At first I don't think he's talking to me so I turn to look down the hallway to reaffirm that assumption but instead, I see that the hallway was pretty much empty.

"Um, thanks." I say handing him the bag which we easily swings over his shoulder like it was light work.

We walk side-by-side down the hallway in silence, just being next to him made my body feel at ease. This was the first time in two weeks that Ryder had initiated conversation with me and I wasn't about to waste that opportunity.

"So..." I speak up. "How's Casa Blake's?"

He shrugs. "It could be worse. His parents are really nice and so are his siblings." He pauses for a moment, a small smirk on his lips. "I do miss Lauren's cooking though, y'know, if I'm being honest."

"Lauren misses you too. She's bored around the house now that she doesn't have to feed you every minute of the hour." I joke.

He locks eyes with me and begins laughing and I find myself laughing back. We finally reach my locker to see Sarah standing there waiting for me.

I thank him as he hands me my backpack back before he takes off down the hallway.

Sarah excitedly nudges me, sending looks back and fourth between Ryder and I. Slowly catching onto what she wanted me to do, I sigh before calling out to his retreating back. "So um, I'll see you around?"

I see the faintest hint of a smile on his face as he looks back around at me to reply.

"Maybe...If you're lucky."


What do we think about Florence and Parker as a couple? Do we think Florence can be trusted?

Also Bree and Ryder seem to be talking again...find out what happens with them in the next chapter.

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