A Different Kind Of Trouble

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Oh My God, the new book is here! I am a complete psychopath, and I have written the first chapter already, and I'm sure you're all glad tho.

Well, anyway, updates are probably not going to be quick, but I'm glad I got at least one chapter out there. This book is going to be really epic, so I hope you all look forward to the upcoming chapters, and I hope you enjoy everything that comes.

I like to drag stuff out, so I'm just letting y'all know. I'm dragging this story out for a while, so while it's going to be exciting, it's also going to be slow going. Also, I think I've started to world build a little bit, and yeah, that's just going to add to the slow dragging of the story. But not unbearably slow, so y'all good.



The world seemed to change recently; maybe it was the change in climate or maybe even the fact that the bees were disappearing. Or maybe it was something older than that. Maybe the earth was telling its inhabitants that a change was coming, that something big was about to happen. Maybe that's why all those who were connected with nature trembled in fright because this never happened before. Well, not that anyone would be alive to remember it happening the first time; not even Merlin was old enough to remember.

The earth had called out like this once before when the King was born... so was this a sign of a dark time, a time of great need?

When the King was born, a magical massacre followed. Will it happen again? Is this the warning? Is a massacre as great and as foul as the Great Purge soon to come?

Or is it finally time for when Albion's need is greatest?

Will our King rise again?

September 1st, 2006

"This is so exciting!" Sam exclaimed.

"I mean, I dreamt of this even in Russia. Hogwarts is world-famous. I always wanted to come. I can't believe I can visit whenever I want now." Sam continued excitedly.

"We can't visit whenever we want, Sam, only for business." Gideon sighed, standing next to the jittery girl.

"Same thing." Sam waved his argument aside.

"Why did we have to come again?" Julius asked, wrapped in his jacket and scarf; it was a bit chilly for it only being September 1st.

"Because we have to set up in the school for Myridian and S-ah-James, as well as you guys getting the opportunities to teach and even recruiting the talented ones for the business," Remus answered, huddled with everyone else, he was getting looks, but they couldn't say anything, not with Myridian and Sirius glaring daggers at anyone who looked at him wrong.

But he wasn't the only one getting stares; they all were, as they had no child with them, and they were all clearly too old to be attending. Also, for the fact, the Myridian was pretty famous and elusive. Also, they recognized Sirius, though he was in full disguise, so rather they recognized James Emrys from the single interview Myridian held to introduce him into the world.

3 weeks ago...

"I'm so grateful to be able to sit down with you, Mr. Emrys. I'll tell you this now, but everyone is just so curious about you. And your business, of course." Rita Skeeter exclaimed.

"But I must ask, who is your friend you've brought with you? You have an uncanny resemblance to each other." Rita asked her notepad at the ready while the camera flashed a few times.

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