All Around Me Are Familiar Faces

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*I definitely started singing the song with the title. lol*
Hi Hi!

I thought I would switch perspectives every now and then since many new characters are coming in this book. I really like this chapter. I think I'm going to introduce everyone like this.
I get so much enjoyment from writing these chapters that it barely feels like I'm doing any work because I'm just getting so excited about world-building and creating this new whatever. It's just so much fun! This is how I know I will never quit writing fanfiction. It's just so enjoyable. And when you get a really good idea, and it just flows perfectly, oh my God, that's just so great!

*This chapter is sad, and I think I gotta add some trigger warning tags just to be safe. But I freaking love this chapter so much, ahhhh it's just so great and also preludes into some exciting stuff*

I hope you enjoy it!

Also, side note:
>I hate that Friendlier is spelled like this<
I understand that it's always been like this, but it fucks with my brain and looks ugly for some reason. lol



Outside of Hogwarts, the world was suddenly different. Well, no, that's a lie; the world was always different , forever changing, as time progressed. But something, suddenly, shifted in a new direction. People who were just normal people; something in the air affected them. Whether it was magic or something more powerful at play, we will never know. But what we do know is that people are waking up. Not in the sense that they were sleeping beforehand but suddenly, people who seemed insignificant started to have a purpose. A destiny, you could say.

Random people from all walks of life suddenly started having these dreams. These dreams they couldn't explain. They just chalked it up to active imagination. They were just normal people. Nothing special. Not that they thought so anyway. They had mundane jobs; they lived boring lives, they barely had any money in this society. Everything just seemed normal.

Until it didn't...


One September morning, a very chilly morning, a man woke up from a nightmare. It was a weird nightmare. He's been having some weird nightmares for a while now. He had already been to the doctor twice. He thought that maybe he was experiencing some weird form of PTSD. He was a veteran, so it was all entirely possible; it's just that this was freaking weird. What kind of trauma could affect the mind that makes you think you were a knight of Camelot?

The man thought he was going insane. It was because he couldn't imagine what else it could mean. The man thought some things, but he would never utter it just in case someone would actually label him crazy. For a moment, he thought about reincarnation, but that idea is simply preposterous. There's no way that could happen. But then again, he had no other idea other than he must simply be going out of his mind.

But the problem was that no matter how much he told himself it was impossible, the dreams never stopped. The feeling bubbled up in his chest; the brotherhood he felt with the people in his dreams hurt because they weren't real. It really made him think that this must just be PTSD because he was very close with a lot of people within his platoon, and all of them died, unfortunately. He thought his brain was trying to make himself feel more guilty, creating some weird form of torture within his mind, but it was just so real ! It was so real; it hurt; it was physically painful. It hurt so much because whenever the nightmare ends, he knows he failed his mission. He failed his King. But he couldn't even remember the face of the man he failed, only that he did. And his dream always ends with him dying, a painful death.

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