A Glass Walkway Into The Past

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Okay, okay, okay, everyone, so on Thursday, I stayed behind after my class, and I wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote this chapter. I didn't finish it because I was not feeling well or something and I wanted to go home. But when I came home, I wrote a little bit more. And yesterday, I started writing a shit ton. And today, I had finished writing. All in all, I have written two chapters, so a lot of words and storyline are going to be put forward.

I am almost positive none of you are going to expect what's happening in this chapter and are not really expecting what's going to happen in the next chapter either. The next chapter is probably my favorite because Merlin becomes a badass, even more so than he already is. But I'm sure everyone's going to love this chapter more than anything in the world, and I'm not going to say anything more because I'll let you read it.

Side note:Funny little thing. I wrote this this morning. I finished it this morning. It's now 9 at night. Because I fell asleep twice while editing and then I went grocery shopping. And then I ate dinner. And I'm only I'm done editing the first chapter. And I have homework later. What the heck is this day.



Merlin's House

December 1st, 2006

Today was a unique day. The Order of the Phoenix was having a gathering, which was not so weird, but it was the place in which it was happening, which was not normal. Merlin offered to have it hosted at his house as he said he lived in a muggle neighborhood which was very off-grid for any other magic user, and he also promised them that he had warded his house better than Hogwarts. Of course, nobody believed him; but it was the truth.

Today was the day they were going to talk about 'The Darkest Hour.' Well, they weren't going to go into detail about it. Or at least Merlin wasn't planning on it, but they were going to discuss some things to look out for, and Merlin was going to talk more about the people who were involved. He was going to bring up the people who may or may not be reincarnated and if they were being reincarnated, which one of them would be a threat and which one would be a friend.

Merlin was trying to push the whole thing under the rug, but unfortunately, as long as Voldemort is involved, it is going to be at the forefront of the battle against the darkness or whatever Dumbledore had said the other day.

 And at least this way, the wizards and witches of this day and age will be more careful when battling against any random wizard or witch because while at the moment Morgana may not be any stronger than a young witch, her exponential to grow and that speed at which she will grow will be frightening. So it's better to be safe than sorry, is what Merlin thought, which is why the meeting was happening at his house.

Merlin had set up snacks and put out accompanying tea. He hasn't had guests in a long time. He made sure to clean up all the random stuff he had lying around. Also, he hid all the suspicious stuff he had as well. 

Nothing dangerous but the stuff he really couldn't explain having like his large Pendragon shield or the Pendragon flag that was hung up in his living room. Honestly, that was the least suspicious of his items; he had a lot of famous pieces of art from history, the original copies. He also had some famous weaponry that he had picked up along his journeys that have now become priceless relics of the past.

Honestly, every piece in his house was a priceless relic from the past that there couldn't even be a price set on some of the items. Of course, he just hastily stuff everything into his bedroom and left everything else that was explainable out for everyone to see. 

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