The First Day

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Hello, my fine friends.

I'm back again so soon; I was having a good night and thought I'd spend 5 hours writing for this story. My butt hurts from sitting on my dining room chair for 8 hours straight since I spent 3 hours previously in class before I decided to write for this.

I'll be honest the five hours consisted of me brainstorming cool little moments that I could sprinkle throughout the chapters. I've written some badass Merlin moments and some funny interactions that I'll sprinkle throughout the coming chapters. I really enjoyed it; it was like writing one-shots, but specifically for my story.

Also, I'm kind of glad that I am getting into Merlin teaching because I'm currently learning to teach and I'm using all my teaching knowledge and putting it into the story to make it more realistic and cohesive, and it just makes me so happy that I'm taking what I'm learning in school and somehow applying it to my fanfictions, which is hilarious and amazing at the same time.



Merlin woke up very early that morning in preparation for the class. Sirius was already up, which was concerning as Merlin woke up at 6 in the morning. But they were both adults, so Merlin didn't say anything about it. There wasn't really a lot of stress because they had fully planned out their lesson plan and everything they were going to teach beforehand. It was just getting the jittery nerves to calm down. Merlin wasn't necessarily nervous to teach a bunch of students; it was just he wasn't used to it, and the most social interaction he has had is in one-on-one situations with no more than five or six people at a time.

Though since he was a social butterfly, he could adapt quickly. It's just getting over the small bit of nervous excitement that was a little bit of a struggle. But it didn't seem like Merlin was alone with these thoughts because just before breakfast started, Sirius started to pace back and forth in the teacher's office. They had just been informed of all the students who signed up for the class, and surprisingly it was a very big chunk of students. And what surprised Sirius was that there was a pretty good chunk of Slytherins from pureblooded families that also signed up for the class. The reason why there were so many pureblood students in the class was mainly due to the fact that Merlin was teaching the class, and he is considered a pureblood, so it helped garner more students.

There would be two classes in each grade level; however, since Merlin requested that the classes were all-inclusive, for the first time in Hogwarts history, all four houses participated in the class together. So it wasn't just either Gryffindor and Slytherin or Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. It was all four houses coexisting in one class together. Merlin had argued that he wanted to get rid of the barrier between the houses and insisted that this was what they did. And since there was such a large influx of students taking the class, it had to be separated into two groups per grade.

Depending on the grade that they were in determined how many classes they had per week. Like the fifth years had it only once a week because they had to focus on their O.W.L. exams. While the first years and the second years had it twice a week. This class not only introduced a new subject within the wizarding world's education system but also a new opportunity to create new lesson plans and create a more inclusive environment for all students to get along equally. Also, another revolutionary fact is that since this class was on muggle technology, it was the first-ever class to be using muggle technology within the class itself.

So they were allowed to use their laptops, and they were allowed to use their cell phones and all other new products that Merlin would be creating down the line, and they would be allowed to be used in class. They started to introduce interactive learning, not just with magic but with technology. It was truly a revolutionary education in the works, which is something that the wizarding world needed to experience in order to change in the future.

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