Draco Ends Up In A Electronic Store

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I had a pretty bad Tuesday because my aunt came over and decided to literally start a fight for no reason. She told me she started the fight because she didn't want me and my grandma to fight, but me and my grandma weren't fighting, nor were we angry at each other for any reason. So she literally started a fight for no fucking reason just because she felt the need that it was her prerogative to yell at me. And she's already a bitch who tells people she doesn't have children when she has a daughter who she neglects, so yeah, we can already see where the problems come from on that side of the family. 

Anyway, I was all depressed, and then I didn't sleep very well on Thursday, and I missed my class because I overslept and didn't hear the alarm. And then it's Monday, and I have class in pretty much an hour. So I'm trying to finish this really quickly and publish it so that I can go to class.

{Lol def did not finish, it's now Tuesday, my editor fucked up my story by deleting the first letter of every sentence, so I had to go through and add it back by hand, and it was a fucking hassle. Honestly, it's not really edited well; my editor is giving me serious problems, so I don't know what to do about it.}



Merlin's House

December 2, 2022

Gwaine and Percival were standing in front of Merlin's house again.

Merlin said he'd come to get them, but it seemed he overslept, and they came in Percival's friend's car after Percival borrowed it for the day. They parked in Merlin's driveway, and they were just admiring the property before they eventually knocked on the beautifully crafted ornate door. It took about ten minutes before a messily dressed Merlin answered the door.

But the moment he saw who was at the door, he brightened up; at first, he thought it was work or Order related, but this was 100 times better.

"Gwaine, Percival! What are you two doing here?" Merlin asked, inviting them in.

"Well, you said we'd talk today, and we texted you, but when you didn't answer, we got worried and came over," Percival said.

"Yeah, those people from yesterday seemed upset for some reason, so we came to check." Gwaine continued.

"Oh, right. I'm all good, I just had to set some things straight, but it's fine." Merlin said, settling down on the couch.

"You sure? Yesterday seemed dangerous. We didn't get you in trouble, did we?" Percival asked, sitting down.

"No, I'm not in trouble. Let me explain a little bit first. Yesterday, before meeting you two, I did have plans. I offered to host a meeting at my house and everyone who was there yesterday was there for the meeting. We meet fairly frequently to discuss and share information about an evil wizard that needs to be defeated." Merlin started to explain since talking forward will be difficult if they aren't up to date.

"Are they strong?" Gwaine asked. "Well, for the wizards of today, yes, not really to me," Merlin said, thinking about Voldemort's strength in relation to his own.

"Then why don't you just capture that evil wizard?" Gwaine asked, not understanding Merlin's position.

"Well, there are a few factors at play. I'm currently hiding my identity. To Muggles, Merlin is a legend but someone who was forgotten with time. But, unfortunately, to wizards and witches, Merlin has become some sort of god. I don't want that reverence or respect. So I go by Myridian Emrys, a wealthy pureblooded wizard who has druid relatives and could be a long-lost relative of Merlin. I've only been around for a year, and within that year, I combined magic and technology. And from there, I made a shop and gotten a job as a teacher." Merlin started to explain.

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