Standing In A Lake

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Hello Hello Hello.
I am finally back.

Are y'all all ready to hear the drama that fucking happened to me? So I last uploaded early December for the story and well let me tell you December was a nightmare. I got straight A's, Which I deserve because I work so hard. But besides that on Christmas, I had a mental breakdown that was probably the worst mental breakdown I've ever had in my whole life. Obviously, from my other author's notes, you could tell that my life is filled with toxic people. Namely my mother, my grandmother, and my father. They are the three constant toxicities that fuck me over day in and day out.

Anyway, on Christmas, my mother had made a big feast and commented that I was taking too much food when she literally told us not to eat anything all day to wait for this food. And then I literally didn't eat anything so I literally didn't drink anything and apparently, 3 glasses of iced tea is Apparently one too many. So then we started getting into a fight. I was just going to let it slide because this happens every time I eat. But then these bitches start hitting me where it hurts and then we had a massive fight. My grandma saw my dog pee on the floor and so she was like "I can't fucking stand this dog I want it out of my house." And then my mom, the most toxic person of 2021, goes and says, "Oh Mom don't worry, that dog is going to die soon because the owner, she then looks at me, doesn't take care of it so it's going to die very soon." She's like giggling and chuckling like it's funny and like she's enjoying saying this to me because she knows it hurts me. And so that leads the rest of my Christmas on the phone with a suicide hotline.

But anyway I finally got back into writing so there's that good info. Also, I'm starting school tomorrow so there's that fun stuff. It would be even funnier if there was no snow on the ground. However, there's like 3 ft of snow outside and it doesn't look like it's melting anytime soon so that's going to be annoying especially having to take the bus to school. Oh my God, I'm already dreading it.

Also my school for the class that I'm taking on Monday it's literally so stupid that it's not an online class. The only reason they made it an in-person class was that we were going to do student teaching but now they canceled it so I don't see why it's not a zoom class. We literally said it's mandatory to bring your laptop to class. What's the fucking point. Also, the class is at 4:30 at night and it stretches on for 3 hours. Why couldn't we just do this at home? They're making me travel all the way to campus which is so fucking far away, every day, for something we could have literally done online. It's so dumb.

I spared you from my original author's note that was like 5 pages long. And then I shortened it. And then I spared you from that because I wrote again too much of my life that you probably don't really need to know about. And what is posted now is the abridged version. Anyway, my life just kind of sucks all around so I have a lot of talk about and since I update so inconsistently there's always something annoying that happens in between uploads. Anyway, I think you guys really would like this chapter.

There's a lot of information thrown in and a lot of cool interesting things that happened in this chapter. Also the little bit at the end I think that's going to be interesting.



Isle of the blessed

October 31, 2006

After leaving Dumbledore and Moody guarding the Isle and the Death Eater, they made their way back from whence they came; they reused the boat to cross the lake that surrounded the Isle of the Blessed and stepped back onto the marshy shores before the Isle. Remus, Sirius, and Myridian got off the boat and settled on the ground for a moment before Merlin held his hands out.

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