I'm Not A Reincarnation

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*meme for fun*


I decided to split the chapters up because I felt like the main topic of this chapter was really important and I felt like it needed its own fresh start rather than just being the ending to the last chapter. However I'm uploading both chapters at the same time so literally, nothing is lost. If I wasn't going to update them at the same time I would've felt like the last chapter was a little bit shorter but since I'm going to update them at the same time meaning that I'm going to be writing a lot more for this chapter plus last chapter I feel like you guys are getting more than enough of an update to last you guys for a little while.

Though everyone still asks for more right after I update anyway.

Love you guys thanks for reading.



Percival's Flat

December 1st, 2006

"Merlin, I can't believe we found you!" Gwaine said, staring at Merlin again.

"I'm surprised as well I went looking, but I just ended up at the hospital not remembering anything," Merlin grumbled about his failure.

"Well, you did find me, or I found you that day. You just got hit by the car and lost consciousness. By the way, are your ribs alright? I was worried when Gwaine tackled you earlier." Percival clarified and queried.

"Oh, I'm in tip-top shape; magic potions can regrow bones, and spells can fix anything. I was fine once I left the Muggle hospital." Merlin reassured.

"Muggle?" Percival asked.

"Oh, it's a term for someone without magic."

"Hmm, couldn't they think of a cooler name? Muggle sounds kinda lame." Gwaine pouted.

"I think that was the point, wizards hold themselves in a higher regard, and it makes them pompous and stupid. But that's just how the tradition is." Merlin explained he was almost positive that the wizards and witches back in the day came up with the word Muggle because they thought it sounded lame and so that it put Muggles beneath them in a way.

Especially with the other names that circulated the wizarding world like mudblood. It was the pureblood lording their blood status around any chance they got.

"Well, that's dumb. But anyway, Merlin, when did you get your memories back?" Gwaine said, changing the subject.

But he was met with silence and a Merlin who was staring at the floor.

"Merlin?" Gwaine asked, sitting next to him, wondering what was wrong.

"Hey, you know if you don't remember everything, that's all right. Percival doesn't remember everything yet. I'm still foggy on some stuff. Like I know everything I think I should know, but people's faces are still a little bit blurry to me. If you don't remember everything, that's totally cool. Don't be so down about it." Gwaine tried to reassure him.

"Yeah, we can figure out our memories together. You're not alone anymore, don't worry about it." Percival joined in but made it worse.

Not on purpose, though.

"Sniff..." Merlin was crying.

Gwaine was panicking,

"What do we do?" He whispered to Percival, who was better equipped for these situations.

"Uh...well...*sigh* Merlin? What's wrong? Please tell us, we don't know why you're upset, but we'll help with whatever it is." Percival said, a bit flustered at first but slowly slipped back into professionalism.

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