Gwaine Can't Wait

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Lol, so while I was about to write this chapter, I just wrote chapter two of book three lol. Like, I just was like fuck it and wrote it, so book three should move quickly whenever we get there.

Anywho I'm depressed and really tired. I think I reached my limit as a person. I just am tired of it all. I don't see much for myself anymore, and I'm not really sad about it, even though it's a sad conclusion to come to. I'm really at the end of my desire. I just ain't happy anymore, and I am really lost. I don't really know how to express it. I tried so hard to get my motivation back, but I feel I just don't care to be motivated anymore. I...I don't really know anymore tbh....

Anyway, besides that, since I am depressed, I wrote some; ate a stupid amount of food; spent a dumb amount of money, and lazed about ignoring everyone.

My birthday is on the 10th. I treated myself. I bought myself gifts. I bought some lipstick. Then I spent like $300+ on clothes and almost $200 on art supplies cause I wanna get creative. I also checked the website I bought the clothes off of, and I had like $75 rewards, and I bought a fashionable hat and leather jacket. So I bought a shit ton of clothes. My favorite purchase was the shoes. I got creamy/white combat boots with a little attachable pocket. So cute!! And some chunky platform black boots. And a pair of chunky olive green sneakers. I'm so in love with the clothes, tbh.

The art supplies were an impulse buy, honestly, but I had been thinking of drawing for a while now, and I was just like fuck it.

Anyway, enjoy Gwaine being a goofball. I would say this is a filler chapter of sorts. The next one will be one too, but it will be spicy. And I think I'm gonna get into the Hogwarts attack after. I changed my mind about ending so soon. I felt like a few more things needed to be said first. But no more than 4 or 5 chapters counting this one.



Gryffindor common room

May 1, 2007

Harry Potter was having conflicted thoughts. And these thoughts weren't getting any easier with the dead silence that came from Dumbledore these past few weeks. For weeks on end, Dumbledore had been telling Harry Potter that he couldn't fully trust Myridian Emrys. He kept saying that there was something off about him and that he shouldn't fully trust him. He wouldn't tell Harry why or what was his reasoning but he would just tell him not to trust him and he reinforced that fact every few days for about three weeks.

But then one day at the end of April, Dumbledore stopped bringing him into private meetings. Stopped telling him not to trust him. Actually, Dumbledore stopped showing up in general. He stopped coming to dinner. He stopped showing up around the school. Sometimes you couldn't even find him in his office. And it wasn't just Harry that was starting to get worried. Even some of the teachers, even though they tried not to show it, were looking worried about Dumbledore.

Now Harry didn't know what to think. Myridian was such a trustworthy fellow. All he had been doing since he knew him was be trustworthy.

Sure he was a bit suspicious sometimes, but it was written over by how truthful he was even when other adults were not.

He made promises that he kept. He was brave and strong and fought on par with Voldemort. In Harry's eyes, Myridian was sort of like a hero or a big brother kind of figure. It was hard to not trust him because he didn't make it easy not to. And Dumbledore was also someone that Harry Potter found trust in and trusted a lot. So that's why he was having conflicting thoughts on who he should trust and what he should believe in.

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