Harry Is Suspicious

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Sorry about the lack of updates recently I've just been really busy with school work and I've been really tired recently. I finally got out of the way of some stressful things and did a lot of stressful midterms, so I had some time.

I'll be honest with you I've written most of this chapter like a week ago but I didn't know how I wanted to end it and it took a while. But I think you guys will like the ending anyway.

Happy Late-Halloween everyone. I did actually plan on uploading this on Halloween but I fell asleep.

Anyway, I just woke up and remembered that I didn't post it so here I am posting it and I'm probably going back to sleep afterward so the notes are going to be short.



"Guys, I'm telling you, I think Draco is a Death Eater," Harry whispers to his two best friends.

"Harry, just because Daco is a prat doesn't necessarily make him a Death Eater," Hermione says, not looking up from her book.

"I actually agree with Mione, mate. I hate Draco just as much as you do, but I don't think he's a Death Eater either." Ron said, stuffing sweets into his face.

Harry rolled his eyes and got annoyed. He had kept telling his friends that he knew Draco was a Death Eater, but they didn't believe him. It was always times like this when they didn't believe him. Harry had even told Sirius, but the man seemed to be in disbelief as well. As much as they could all agree that his parents were probably Death Eaters, everyone around Harry thought that he was too young to have already joined in league with the dark lord. But Harry's mind was set in stone; he was convinced that Draco was a Death Eater.

On the train ride up to Hogwarts, after he left the teacher's compartment with all the people from the TechnoMage business. He walked into the Slytherin compartment by mistake with his invisibility cloak on and heard some things that made him believe that Draco was a Death Eater. But it was all very inconclusive evidence up until he heard Snape and Draco whispering in the hallways of Hogwarts at night; they seemed to be conspiring something and doing really shady things that just seemed more shady than usual. And that wasn't all the evidence. Draco recently looked haunted. His face looked hollowed-out and gaunt; he was twitchy, he looked paranoid almost.

Harry wanted to tell Myridian, but he always seemed busy. But finally, he caught him in his office before dinner. "Professor?" Harry called out. Myridian's head shot up; he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings.

"Oh! Harry! Come in." Merlin waved Harry in.

Harry walked in and sat in the seat his godfather normally occupied.

"How are you, Harry?" Merlin asked genuinely.

Sometimes children needed to be asked simple questions to get them comfortable.

"Oh, well, I'm okay. Ah...how are you, Professor?" Harry asked awkwardly back.

"Oh, it's a bit hectic, you know being a teacher and a business owner is a lot. Plus all the other stuff I have to do, it's a nightmare sometimes. But nevertheless, what did you want to ask me? You came to tell me something, right?" Merlin questioned after rambling.

"Yeah, uh, do you know Draco Malfoy?" Harry asked, realizing that Myridian had never met him because Malfoy didn't take the Muggle Tech class.

"Hmmmmmmm, Malfoy. I've heard that name before....oh right...I was invited to their Christmas party last year. I didn't go; Remus doesn't like them. I'm assuming Draco is the child; he goes to school here?" Merlin asked, not remembering him in any of the classes he's taught.

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