Vanishing People

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A new chapter, I wrote half of this chapter like a week ago, and then I didn't really know where to go from there, so I just left it alone for a bit, and then I wrote an outline, and then I remembered what I wanted to write, and I had fun writing this chapter.

I am a really good evil person. I mean that I can write really evil-ish things. I also love writing from the perspective of an evil character. Some of my favorite writing is when I'm playing the villain.

And so I wrote a little bit about Voldemort being a horrible person at the very, and I'll warn y'all now it gets a little graphic. So if you don't like torture or children getting hurt, maybe skip it over. It's literally the last thing that's written, so just skip those few sentences if you want.

I took a nap now I'll be posting it. Enjoy!



*Graphic Depictions of Violence in this chapter* [near the end]

Hogwarts, Room Of Requirement

February 5, 2007

Once again, the room of requirements looked like a giant trash heap. It was just piles and piles of miscellaneous items scattered around the room in no organized fashion at all. Some of the piles of random things reached high up in the sky, some so tall they reached the top of the ceiling. Of course, it wasn't garbage that was just thrown away into a random room; it was more like a room full of misplaced, lost things.

Like when you go to a building and lose your phone or wallet, you quickly run up to the front desk and ask, "Hey, can I search through your lost-and-found bin?"

And they hand you a little plastic bin full of miscellaneous items like a scarf and hat and a single glove, or a wallet, or a pair of glasses, even some loose change. And you hope for the possibility that your phone or your wallet is in there, in the state you left it in, but most likely, you end up not finding what you're looking for because there are just so many lost items, yet none are yours.

That is like this room, except the whole room is the plastic bin, and there's a lot more than just some miscellaneous forgotten clothes items. You may think to yourself, what is the purpose of a room like this? To hide something? Maybe to search for some hidden treasure deep within the garbage? Well, who really knows.

Yet a particular student has been frequenting this room quite a bit. A Slytherin boy by the name of Draco Malfoy had been in here for a few months now, doing something. He had been given a task to find something that was thrown away, somewhere, in one of these piles of miscellaneous goods. He was on a task to find a cabinet, but not an ordinary cabinet, a cabinet whose twin and itself share a magical enchantment. The magic worked like this: if you put an item in one cabinet and close the door while reciting the spell: Harmonia nectere passus , the item within that cabinet will magically appear in its twin cabinet. It acts as a gateway between two places, no wards or anything magical in nature can stop the passage between the two twin cabinets, lest breaking one of the two cabinets, of course.

Draco was told by his father to find the cabinet and repair it since it became a bit broken a couple of years ago. A silly tale really, our young friend, Harry Potter, was about to be punished by Mr. Filch, and to save the young boy, a ghost by the name of Nearly Headless Nick, convinced a resident of a poltergeist in Hogwarts called Peeves to drop the cabinet in an attempt to distract Mr. Filch to create a moment where Harry Potter could escape from his clutches, thus breaking the cabinet leaving it in the state where it's at now. It was possible to repair the damage's done quite easily; in fact, if you were a more skilled wizard, someone like Merlin or Dumbledore, even Mr. Weasly, who was good with spell work, could have fixed it in no time at all. But with Draco being so young and inexperienced with this level of spell work, it took him a while to figure it all out. It was simple to have the spell in front of you, but to actually get it to work was another thing. But Draco didn't give up; he put his all into trying to fix the cabinet, going there at least twice a week in an attempt to repair it. Only now were the fruits of his labor starting to show. After many failed attempts, today it seemed to work finally. He had succeeded in transporting an apple! He had put a fresh red apple into the cabinet, closed the door, and chanted the spell. And then, when he opened it again, it was gone. He closed the cabinet once again, waited a little bit, and chanted again, and there appeared an apple, the same one, yet there was a bite taken out of it. Now Draco didn't take a bite of that apple, yet the person who owned the twin cabinet definitely did. It was finally a success!

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