Did The Torture Already Start?

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The title is misleading. Or is it. I guess you'll have to read the find out. LOL

So I came to realize that I talked about Destiny in this book as being the person who plays with the lives of the characters in the story, but I've come to realize that I am Destiny within this story. I feel so bad; it's like I've become the person I hate.

So I created this little idea board on my document sheet where I'm writing the story, and when I finished writing chapter number 3, I had a bunch of ideas, and I just wrote them all down in like shorthand, but a few of them I wrote actual dialogue and like I was writing the chapter for them. And I have a few future chapters already planned out. I think I wrote two of my favorite chapters: one's going to happen in December in the book, and the other one is going to happen at the very end of the book. I can't wait; I'm so excited. I think I'm literally pushing out chapters so that I could write those chapters and post them cuz I'm so excited about them. But I think I'm going to slow down a little cuz I have to actually do stuff in this book and not just push through it like how I'm doing with this chapter.

Okay, so this chapter is really, really, really long. It's like the last time I checked 11 pages on my document sheet. I used to write in this really bubbly-looking font, and it would make it seem like I wrote more than I actually did, but now I'm using this really tiny-looking font, and I'm still writing a shit ton. LOL

I'll be honest with you guys. I'm enjoying this so much. I think this is probably my favorite series to write so far. Maybe my transitioning into the unknown series is also up there for me, but this is so fun to write. Like sometimes, I have to push myself to write chapters because I'm just not motivated, but I want to get something out there cuz I feel bad for making people wait for so long, but I am enjoying myself so much. I'm writing these chapters and getting hyped up. It's so enjoyable that it's like I'm high, you know. Not that I do drugs. Like you know that feeling when you get when your adrenaline is pumping, and you're really excited. That's how I feel writing these chapters, and that's crazy to me.

I think y'all like this chapter a lot. I know I talked about getting into teaching, but I got so many unbelievable action scenes in my head that it's kind of winning over my desire to write teaching chapters. But I will definitely put some in there; no worries, just not right this second. I'm a little too at the moment to chill out and write a teaching chapter. 



September 10, 2006

Sirius was alone today. School has been going on for a little bit over a week now, and Myridian seems to be getting busier and busier. Whether it was planning out new fun lessons or creating new magic integrated technology, he was also involved in something else, but he didn't divulge anything to Sirius, so he didn't know anything about it. It was a little suspicious, but Myridian was a pretty muggle-loving person; he was actually so muggle-loving that Sirius would be surprised if he was a Death Eater in disguise. Like it would be a real shock and a bizarre turn of events.

Sirius assumed that Myridian had personal things he had to do. So he just let his suspicions slide even if he still watched him when he did weird things. He asked Remus about it, but weirdly enough, Remus was really quiet about it and didn't tell him anything. It felt like they were hiding something, and they didn't want him to know about it. But he assumed that there were some things that they wouldn't tell him, and even though it hurt a little, he let it slide. But if he saw anything suspicious in the wrong way, he would report them to do order.

But Myridian was suspiciously a good person.

The problem that was currently bothering Sirius was that he had yet to find a good opportunity to tell Harry that he was actually not Merlin's brother but Sirius in disguise. There were always just too many people around. But he committed to doing it today. Today the sixth years were his last class of the day, and he was going to tell Harry no matter what. He thought if he pushed it off any longer, Harry would probably be upset with him, so he was going to do it today no matter what.

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