The Day The Brightest Light Goes Out

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Hello hello. I finished this chapter oh my God. I spent the night just writing until I fell asleep, and then I woke up and kept writing, and I finished it. This chapter is sad. Even though I hate on Dumbledore a little bit in the most recent chapters, I still like his character. So I'm sad that this chapter happened, but it was a must. I will let you guys know that I only have the epilogue left.

**oh, side note the events of this chapter happen out of order, idk I thought it was easy to understand, but just look at the time if you're confused :)**



Room Of Requirement

6:00 pm

June 1st, 2007

Draco Malfoy was breathing heavily. He was scared but also excited with anticipation. Finally, after months and months of working on it, he had finally completed his task. The cabinet was fully restored. It has been a while since he repaired it but there were some issues that led the plan to be pushed back another month. He had gotten some harsh letters from his father telling him that there could be no more screw-ups or mistakes. But even without the added pressure, he was determined to complete his task. And finally, that task was done. And tonight was the night. His year of hard work was all accumulating to this very moment.

Finally, his family would be back in the good graces of the dark lord, and once again, purebloods would rule over the Wizarding World, and everything would be back in its rightful place. His family would be happy with him, and he could complete his second task with no hiccups......well this seemed to be more of a mantra in his head rather than his thoughts, but at this point, he couldn't tell the difference. Compared to his second task, his first task seemed very easy even though it was very difficult and hard; the second task was what was scaring him. While he'd have his father by his side and even his Godfather to help him with reassurances from his mother, he was still terrified.

Who wouldn't be terrified when they had to kill Albus Dumbledore, the leader of the light?

It was basically a death wish to a kid like Draco, but it had to be done.

It had to be done.


Or at least that was what Draco repeated to himself over and over again in the last week leading up to today.


It didn't take long for them to come. All too soon, the cabinet doors burst open with finality as this marked the end of an era and the beginning of a nightmare that was to come. One after another, Death Eaters marched out of the cabinet, fully clad in their black cloaks and white skull face masks. They were a daunting crowd filling up the room of requirements. It didn't take long for the room to fill with thirty or so Death Eaters, and Draco recognized his father was in the mix.

After all of the Death Eaters came through, the man himself, or rather the monster, Voldemort finally crossed the threshold into Hogwarts.

Following behind him were Morgan and Bellatrix.

6:40 pm

Snape walks into the room of requirement; he was waiting for this moment, knowing tonight was the night. He didn't waste any time in greeting anyone but rather moved to collect Draco and pulled him on his way to their own separate mission because their job was the most important.

The Dark Lord didn't even look their way as he got to ordering Death Eaters to what they were supposed to do next.

The Death Eaters took Hogwarts like a silent thunderstorm.

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