The Calm Of A Crying Storm

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Holy crap, it's over!
I finished it at long last!

Listen, I have a lot of like stressful stuff in my life going on, and I also really struggled with the Order meeting part. Because I wasn't sure if I wanted to end this plot line in this book or just continue it a little bit into the next book, and I was really struggling to figure out what to do, but then I just said fuck it. So I just continued the ending of this book into the next one because it was easier. So everything worked out, and I finished today.

I am so freaking happy with this book. I think it turned out freaking fantastic and I am so looking forward to the next book. I've already written three chapters like a psychopath. This last chapter is split into it two parts where it's the end of the book and then the epilogue.

The epilogue was something that I have been waiting to write since I started this book. I thought of the epilogue as I started writing this book. And I'm so glad I finally get to show it to you guys. You get to see what happens with the rest of it in the next book, but it's exciting.




Three Days Later

8:38 am

Merlin was in his house dressed in black with a somber expression adorning his face. He was getting ready to go to Dumbledore's funeral, which they were holding today so that all of the students could still attend before they were sent home since they canceled the rest of the classes for the end of the semester because of the attack. However, before the funeral, there was going to be an order meeting. Mrs. McGonagall was hosting it. She planned for it to be at Hogwarts so that everyone who was attending could also attend the funeral that would be afterward. But also she was inviting everyone to the meeting, even the children. She also told Merlin to bring whatever reincarnations could make it. Right now, he was waiting for his friends to come. He informed them beforehand to come dressed in black, and he informed those who met Dumbledore what happened to him.

It took about 25 minutes to gather everyone, but Lancelot, who, as far as Merlin is concerned, doesn't remember anything.

"Merlin, are you okay?" Gwen asked; she came with Gwaine and Percival as they offered to drive her to his house.

Merlin didn't answer with a frown on his face.

Gwaine walked forward and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"Merls. You wanna talk before we go? Percival is great at listening." Gwaine said.

Percival rolled his eyes but smiled when Merlin looked at him.

"I am good at listening; I listen to this idiot talk for hours on end," Percival said, pointing to Gwaine.

" I could've saved him," Merlin whispered.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it," Gwaine said, not really as sympathetic as one could be.

"What do you mean, Merlin? You said he died in an attack on the school; you couldn't have known what would happen." Gwen said, walking to Merlin's other side and rubbing his arm.

"I saw it happen. I watched it....." Merlin couldn't finish his words, just staring at the ground, trying not to cry.

In all honesty, he wasn't Dumbledore's biggest fan, but he recognized Dumbledore as someone who was at least a passionate person fighting for what was right. All of his methods may not be amazing, but no one's methods ever are. Also, he believed it to be his fault that Dumbledore died. While he was going with the theory that it was his fault because he didn't save Dumbledore, which seemed far-fetched at best, the more he repeated it, the more he believed it.

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