Long Live The Queen

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Okay, I'm back again!

I had this written yesterday, but I just finished editing it.

Anywho...this is a long ass chapter. I wanted to give y'all a big chapter since I've been gone so long.




Merlin's House

April 23, 2007

"Let's gooooooooooooooo!" Gwaine shouted.

"Ugh, please don't yell when we are right next to you, Gwaine," Percival said, rubbing his ears.

"I can't help but be excited, it's a magic school, Percival!" Gwaine exclaimed.

"Yes, I heard about it too. But we're not going there right this second. I thought Merlin wanted to go see Gwen again first, right Merlin?" Percival asked Merlin who was locking up.

"Hm, oh yes. We will go see Hogwarts. However, I want to keep checking in because I don't know if she's remembered or not. I'll just buy a few things for the store, then we will go drop it off and then head off to Hogwarts. And for Avalon's sake, please stop calling me Merlin. I appreciate it, but we have to be careful." Merlin said.

"But Merls, I don't understand why you didn't just tell them you were a reincarnation. I mean, wouldn't that be the perfect disguise? You could be yourself without saying you lived for so long." Gwaine asked.

"I understand where you're coming from, but the problem is it's not my allies I have to be worried about; it's the enemies. The fewer people who know I'm myself, the better. It's always better to have your enemies underestimate you than to prepare for what you could be. I've already seen Morgana, and I've already seen whose hand she's holding in this war. While I'm confident I'm not going to die, I'm not about to let anyone else die, either. So if I have to be cautious and tell everyone, I'm Myridian Emrys, and that's what I'm going to do."

Merlin said,

"Please just call me Myridian Emrys."

"Okay, okay, fine," Gwaine mumbled, walking to Merlin's car.

They were taking his car because of two reasons. First, Gwaine and Percival did not want to apparate anywhere ever again in their whole lives, even though they knew it was inevitable since they knew wizards, but they were trying to prolong it as long as possible. And second, because they were going to muggle London, so they could actually use the car this time.

Merlin wasn't exactly sure how to get to the shop by car; that's when Gwaine and Percival showed him that you could use the GPS on your phone. Which Merlin thought was a really cool function and was wondering if they could implement it into the magical world. But that would be a little bit tricky because some of the locations in the magical world we're not really map-friendly.

Gwaine offered to drive but was turned down by Percival, who had lent him a car earlier and knew that Gwaine was not used to traversing through London traffic whatsoever. Maybe it's because he lived in the states for too long, but he was not very safe when driving in London. Let's just say there are a lot of things you can do in New York City that probably aren't legal anywhere else, yet in New York, you could probably get away with it on the road.

Percival said he would drive, and the trip was quite enjoyable. They rolled the windows down, they played some music on the radio, and they had 'fun' trying to find a parking spot for thirty minutes.

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