Curiosity Seemed To Confuse The Cat Called: Kingsley

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Hello. I'm back. I'm not in a good mood. Well, good enough to write, but still depressed af. I had a shitty birthday, depression made me too sad to want to celebrate, and everyone got mad at me for ruining it. Also, I was upset and ate my birthday cake after my birthday was over, and I got in trouble. :( I don't even know how that works.

See, it all started a week or two ago, when my mom told me she'd take off for my birthday, and I was happy, and so I said ok. Then a day later, she said she wanted to work on my birthday instead and just do everything after she got off from work, I said ok, but I was a bit sad because she always works and never spends time with me, but I was like, whatever. Then at the end of the week, a day or two before my birthday, I'm told that I have to move back into my parent's house, and that kills my depressed soul. I feel so fucked up that I am super fucking depressed. Which is when I posted the last chapter. Well, my depression didn't magically clear up on my birthday, rather it got worse as my mom called me useless and lazy(two words that trigger the fuck out of me), and I got even more depressed and spent the day belting out music and then ignored everyone when my mom came home. After that, my dad, who I had already ignored, tried to bribe me with a birthday card; I hadn't even opened it yet because I hadn't forgotten how he called me a freeloader and delusional a few weeks ago. So I put headphones on and ignored them. I kept this up for 4 days before today when I had to ask my mom for something. But I plan to continue my silence(but it's really boring not talking to anyone). I just want my parents to care. Like I want my mom to apologize to me for calling me useless and lazy all the time (I literally have an insult book of all the times she insulted me that I remembered to write down, and every fucking insult is that I'm useless.) and maybe try to change. But I think pigs will fly sooner than that would ever happen, so I'm just stuck in depressed town.  

Sadly I've gone numb to most things, and in particular, I've given up on my own life. I mean, I'm gonna be here existing and stuff, but I'm not trying anymore. I'm tired of fighting a losing battle. I forced myself to try for years, and it's still the same cycle I've been stuck in since 10 years ago. I've had enough, and i just couldn't care less anymore. I feel bad, though, cause I had this convo with my aunt, and i made her cry after saying I don't care anymore. But as I say, I feel bad; I don't actually feel anything; I just didn't mean to make her cry with my sad life. But oh well. Shit happens. No need to feel sorry for me or anything; I just wanted to get this off my chest, don't worry, I'm not expecting change anymore. I'm just depressed and lost and kinda done with it all. 

ANYWAY, sorry for that rant. We are close to the end. The next chapter is in the works, and the last chapter is being thought about. I'll finish the book soon, just not tonight, lol. I have so many chapters written but not in fucking order, so here I am trying to write in the blanks I left.

Anywho enjoy this clusterfuck of a chapter:



Technomage Store

May 15, 2007

The little bell above the door jingled a tune impossible in the muggle world but perfectly possible in the wizarding one. It signaled the entry of someone new into the store. Someone who had never come to the store before and wasn't here to buy any magical technology. Kingsley walked in with a purple robe on.

He was there for a purpose today, and he was going to get to the bottom of it one way or another. But he didn't want to meet Myridian just yet. He wanted to save that for a special occasion after he got all of his facts right. Because while he knows that Myridian is the mysterious escaped prisoner, he feels that if he tells Myridian that to his face, he might run away.

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