Samhain In The Wizarding World

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Sup peeps!

I have been soooooooo damn busy. But finally, all my classes are dwindling down. Anywho I wrote soooo much, lol. I was gonna split it but fuck that, enjoy a long-ass chapter after the little hiatus I took (11 pages wtf). I was really bummed about not writing, but school made me so tired; I was just repeating the actions sleeping, doing homework, eating, reading over and over again. I literally didn't do anything else for two months.

I learned I have to go back to in-person classes in February so that's something. I will also have to start assistant teaching, which I'm hella nervous about. The fingerprint bullshit that I've been dealing with for a year is still not done yet. These motherfuckers just won't give me a concrete answer on when I will get notified if it is processed. They keep saying, just wait it'll happen one day. Like these assholes, I need to sign up for classes, I need an actual answer not "someday".

It's also my niece's first birthday on the 10th, so I'm going to see her. It's gonna be a 5-hour car trip. I'm gonna die. But extremely good news! My niece is gonna be a big sister soon. They are having another baby. I can't wait!! I'm so excited.

Also, I just bought the most expensive bag in my life. I thought spending $80 for a book bag was stupid once, but I took the case today. I bought a green Coach book bag and let me tell you, my bank hurts from this. I did get a discount cause of black Friday but still. The original price was like $498 or something like that. But I had a discount that cut the price a lot. I think it totaled to like $200-something. It was a great discount. So even though I am regretting it a bit, I'm really happy because it's pretty af. I treated myself so it's all good, it's not like I spend this money every day.

Also, I think you guys will really like this chapter. I'm gonna change the title it was originally gonna be something about Gwen but I think it doesn't encompass the whole chapter enough.

Also, Samhain is the Pagan/Celtic word for the time of Halloween if y'all didn't know.

Hope you enjoy!



"How did you know my nickname, sir? I don't even have a name tag on. They didn't make mine yet; I'm too new of an employee, you know how it is." Gwen said.

"You're alive!" Merlin exclaimed, almost jumping over the counter touching her shoulder.

The lady, Gwen, just smiled and nodded her head, looking at Remus, wondering what was going on. But she found no answer as Remus looked just as confused.

"Uh, I'm confused," Gwen said, looking between Merlin and Remus, not understanding what was going on.

Merlin's face went through a myriad of emotions. It went from shocked to delighted, to confusion, to sadness, and finally settled at depression. It was such a drastic change, and it happened so fast that it made Remus feel uneasy.

"Myridian?" Remus asked.

Myridian's face slowly returned to his goofy facade, and he acted as if nothing had happened.

"Ah, sorry, you looked an awful lot like an old friend of mine. But I obviously have the wrong person. Uh, I'd like to buy these." Merlin finished awkwardly pointing at the stuff he dropped, which had fallen on the counter coincidentally.

Gwen tried to start the conversation again, but Merlin seemed to avoid it, just laughing awkwardly.

Remus was watching from the sidelines in confusion. He had found that around Myridian, he would often find himself in weird situations that weren't explained easily. Myridian was an enigma; he acted in two ways. One as his goofy, fun, happy-go-lucky persona. And two as this man shrouded in mystery, divulged in secrets, and masked in many masks. They were both like two different people but both Myridian at the same time. Remus always worried for Myridian whenever he showed his latter self. It seemed like Myridian was older and more tired whenever the latter side of himself showed, and if Remus ever pointed it out, that mask appeared, and the other Myridian would appear. Remus sometimes wondered which was closer to his true self.

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