A Christmas Party!

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Hello, hello, I'm back again. It seems that as soon as I start writing I just can't stop. So after yesterday, I was having some ideas about what to do and I was reading through my notes on this story and I just couldn't let go and I kept writing.

I had this chapter written, like a big chunk of it, maybe like a year ago. And I've been waiting ever since to post it. And finally, it's here. It's the Christmas Party Chapter I'm so excited.

The end of this chapter is also something I had thought about previously. I had this really cool scene in my head and I wrote it down and as I was re-reading the notes I thought that it would fit perfectly with this chapter. Of course, what I'm talking about is what will happen next chapter but the leading up to it happens right now and it's really exciting.

Okay, so it seems in the last chapter some people were confused. Arthur is definitely not mentioned yet. He is not any of the reincarnations that I have brought forward yet. He has his own special entrance and you'll know it's him when I talk about him even if I don't say his name. Everyone else so far is just some knights, Gwen, and of course Morgana. But Arthur and other special characters aren't really going to come in till the end of the book.

Actually, Arthur is not coming until the last book I'll be honest with you. I want his entrance to be really grand and having him show up in the middle just seems lackluster. I want his entrance to SCREAM Arthur rather than just having random dreams that could allude to it being Arthur.

Also for the fact that the dream I was talking about for the knight that's the doctor, in his dream he sees Arthur, so I thought that would elude that if he's looking at Arthur he couldn't possibly be Arthur. But that maybe he has a stronger connection with Arthur so he remembers his face sort of. That's what I was going for in my head at least.

But I could see where the blonde curly hair kind of confused some people considering Arthur has blond hair, but whereas Arthur's hair is straight, there is a knight with curly blonde hair in the series and I think y'all know who it is, but are just not remembering at the moment cuz y'all want Arthur to come really fast and you're little impatient.




December 23, 2006

It was finally time for Christmas break. As of yesterday, most of the students went home on the train, and only a few were left to stay at the school, whether it was because there was no family at home to celebrate with or that the family they had was not one they wish to celebrate with. Either way, for the children who stayed at school, it was like living in a giant castle off of themselves with no school to worry about and fun times to be had. There was great food, lots of space, and freedom to do whatever they wanted. Hogwarts during Christmas time was great.

Merlin was currently not panicking. No, that's a lie; he was panicking a lot. He had made plans to attend the Malfoy's Christmas party this year. Mostly for Order business and to spy on people. But that didn't mean he was prepared to do so. Honestly, he forgot all about it until Sirius reminded him yesterday. He didn't have any clothes to wear nor any presents to bring. As much as he dislikes Death Eaters and evil people, he feels like he has to keep up appearances as a pureblood and as a teacher. Merlin had to act like he was actually competent, and he was having a hard time.

So today, while he was at Hogwarts, he was finishing all the grading he had to hand in before Christmas break was over. He had planned a lot of things to do during Christmas break since it was two weeks of freedom from school. He felt like he sounded like a teenager for saying something like that but being a teacher was a lot of work; even with the help of Sirius, it was a lot of work in the form of paperwork and grading homework. At least he had the luxury of having some students submit papers by computer, but it was very rare because not everyone had them. Even then, it was still more work to grade it anyway, so he was ready to be done with it for a while.

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