A Gruesome Experience

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This chapter is going to be extra super-duper long. Where I normally cut off my chapters, would be when they all sat down for the meeting at the table. But that was literally just the beginning of this chapter for me. I wanted to give you a really cool teaser at the end of the last chapter. And I didn't want to quickly go into the action because I wanted to make you feel suspense waiting for it to happen. That's why I saved it until the very end of this long chapter because you got to have a really cool chapter besides the action fight and then finally after all that waiting you get the cool action scene that you had been waiting for since the last chapter.

Anyway I had written the cool fight scene months ago and I just wrote it down cuz I thought it would be cool at some point in the book but it was not applicable when I actually wrote it. So I just put it in my notes of my story and save it for later and as I was going through them I was like 'oooooh this fits really well right here' so I put it in.

I was going to make this meeting kind of a fight, between Dumbledore in Merlin but I thought that since Gwaine and Percival were there it wasn't going to go over as well as I wanted it to. So I was going to do it at a different meeting. Maybe after Dumbledore finds out that Merlin had told the children and stuff like that I don't know. I'm still thinking about it. But I think you guys will really enjoy the chapter and I look forward to what you guys have to say.



Ministry of Magic

Late one December night...

"Huh?" Kingsley said out loud to himself.

He was sitting alone in the ministry of magic working overtime on some miscellaneous work he had to push back after so many eventful things that happened recently. He was assigned to so many new jobs that some of his old work fell into the hands of people who were incompetent and didn't do anything about it. So there he was, working very late into the night, just going over all of the work he had forgotten about and trying to fix it and hopefully do something with it.

He had been working for 3 hours, and he finally got to the papers labeled 'Azkaban Escape.' This has happened almost 5 to 6 months ago, and he was just now getting to it. It was mainly put on the back burner because almost all escapees had been declared either Death Eaters or were captured again. The only issue was the one prisoner, the one that no one could seem to remember why they were imprisoned or who they were.

However, this time Kingsley was looking through the files from the prison, just going back as long as the paper trail led him, to see if he could find the beginning. He was searching for at least two hours before he found something.

There was a paper labeled almost 300 years ago that stated that the prison guards had found a prisoner sleeping in a cell that they were going to use, except for some reason, there was a prisoner already there. Since he was sleeping and wouldn't wake up, they classified him as 'Cell #1 sleeper.'

Even in this old dated paper, they stated that they didn't know who he was or when he was imprisoned, only that he was there for a long time and nobody could remember why. However, it is stated that they never opened the door.

According to a report, it said that anyone that went into the room got a weird feeling and left. And back then, if the prisoner didn't do anything or say anything and nobody knew he existed, the guards would think, how is it their problem. At least that's how they dealt with it then, but that's not how Kingsley was going to deal with it now. Especially for the fact that a 300-year-old man is somewhere in this world after he escaped from Azkaban.

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