We Probably Should Have Told Dumbledore

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Okay, so life update. It's been a minute since I posted anything. Probably like a month or more. A lot of shit has happened. Personally, I had probably what would be closest to describe as a mental breakdown about a month ago. In April, at the very beginning of the month, I was getting worried because have a lot of pressing future matters that were pressing on my mind a lot. Anyway, one thing led to another, and my foot got swollen because I had too much salt and my legs just swole up like a balloon. I tried to push through the pain, walk around, and walk to school like an idiot. And then my foot got swollen to the point where I couldn't walk because it was so bruised up from me shoving it into my shoes and basically breaking my ankles almost. It wasn't that bad, but it hurt that bad. So I took about two weeks off from school. After my first class on Monday, I skipped the rest of the week and onto the next week. Of course, during that time, I had a mental breakdown.

And so I was so fed up with people telling me about my weight and giving me shit for it that I was just like, okay, if there's a solution, let's solve it right now. I said fine, I'll take a leave of absence from school, and I'll deal with it now. So I did that. I'm currently not in school. I'll be honest for this month; after the whole mental breakdown thing, I have been absent-minded. I have some paperwork I have to fill out for taking this leave of absence, and I cannot concentrate. I've been on this medication for like depression and anxiety, and I don't know if that's why I'm so fucking spaced out, but it's impossible to concentrate. I'm going to talk to the doc and see what's up. But it's so difficult to focus. The only reason I even wrote the rest of this chapter is because my grandma needed me to do something where I needed to sit somewhere for a long. Of time and watch for something, and so I was like being in the meantime all right because I don't want to just sit down there and do nothing, you know what I mean. I was lucky I had already written a lot of this chapter beforehand.

Anyway, even though I have a lot of free time now, I don't know how frequently I'll be updating. I'm currently taking medicine for the mental part of my brain, but I'm going to in a few days go to a gastro something doctor, And I'm going to get that dumb surgery that like makes your stomach smaller. Not like liposuction but like the gastro bypass surgery, I think. I want the one where they like cut off part of your stomach, so it's just smaller, but my mom was like, Nah, you're not getting that; so that's not happening. I'll just get the one where they put a band on it or something, whatever I just want to not be bothered by my weight. So that's my life.



Hogwarts Hallway

December 7, 2006

The five of them stand there in silence for three minutes.

Draco is still quite confused; he keeps getting confused the longer he watches all the people before him.

Sirius is staring at Merlin like this is the worst-case scenario, while Merlin looks too nonchalant about everything.

Snape looks like he wants to murder Merlin and Sirius.

And Dumbledore is smiling, yet he's anything but happy.

Dumbledore breaks the silence, "Myridian, may I ask what's going on?"

Merlin looks up, "Oh, nothing much; I was just having a chat with a student. I have no idea what else is going on."

Snape speaks up, "Then why did you get Miss Granger and your brother to distract me while you snuck Mr. Malfoy out from dinner?"

"Well, I wouldn't say I had them distract you," Merlin says, completely denying exactly what he did.

Snape glared while Merlin just brushed it off.

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