When I'm Not Even Trying

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OK, quick update, I have written this chapter and the next one. This chapter was just something I needed to get out of the way. And also a way for time to pass naturally within the story. This book is coming to a close in maybe three or four more chapters. So look forward to that. I can't wait to get to writing the ending because it's gonna be so cool.

Also, I am home and feeling great. The wound on my leg is probably the size of my thumb, probably smaller than that, actually. I am pretty good, and I think I will be completely healed in at least two weeks. So yay!

Anyway, this chapter was supposed to be chapter 17, but things changed, and it ended up being chapter 16. So if chapter 17 seems like it could be its own book because it's so freaking long, it's because I wanted to do a long update after not writing for so long. So the chapter just goes on and on and on. I'm sure you'll all love it anyway, though.




Merlin's House

February 20, 2007

Merlin was relaxing on a Sunday; he traveled home and was lounging around bored. Well, he wouldn't be bored for a long, see, he had plans to go out today, alone for the first time in a while. He was finally looking to buy a new place. A base of operations for all his newly returned friends, and while his house was nice and pretty big, it was cluttered with a bunch of his crap. It wasn't crap, it was pretty valuable ancient treasures to most people, and historians would die if they heard him call it crap. But it was a lot of stuff, and in his house, it took up a lot of space. He didn't mean to take all of this stuff out of his storage, but when he was gathering stuff to put into his new house, he kind of got carried away, and well, his house is now filled with a bunch of stuff.

So for today, Merlin's plan was to buy a castle or something with as many rooms. Castles were a lot of work to keep clean, he knew from experience. So he must head to a realtor's office to see what he can do. Something a little off the grid but has internet access and looks ancient but isn't actually a castle. This was gonna be hard.

Merlin decided to go to the realtor he went to last time when he bought his original house. It worked great when he went last time, so he thought he might as well do it again. And it took him no time at all to drive his nice beautiful car into the city and actually find parking. But nobody but Merlin would know if he actually used magic to get himself a spot, but that couldn't possibly be the case, hahaha....

Anyway, after walking into the realtor, he noticed that he wasn't the only person buying a new building or house or whatever it was this person in front of him was buying. There were two men seated in front of the realtor discussing probably buying a building or a house as they had the catalogs open, and they were pointing adamantly to a few different options. He waited patiently until the realtor noticed him. The realtor stood up and smiled at Merlin, recognizing that he was a big buyer that he had worked with recently.

The people who were talking to the realtor also turned around, and one of them froze.

Merlin also froze.

The man talking to the realtor froze because he recognized the young kid walking in as the kid he hit with his car a few months ago. And Merlin froze because he noticed that sitting on that chair five feet in front of him was Lancelot.

What were the chances.....he wasn't even looking for anyone. He was just trying to buy a stupid Castle, and he ran into someone he had been looking for but ultimately gave up and let fate decide, but apparently, fate decided this moment was a perfect time. Merlin noticed that Lancelot was looking at him with a weird expression on his face. Merlin thought that Lancelot recognized him because he was Merlin, and they were buddies in the past. But that was not what Lancelot was thinking.

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