epilogue: smoked

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Melanie coughed, coughed, and coughed.

I scooted closer to my girlfriend on the blanket laid in the balcony and rubbed her back, attempting to ease her chokes. She held onto my forearm, her body jerking with the harsh coughs. My woollen jumper stretched under her tight grip.

“This is… a bad… idea... Kai,” she said through coughs, and I shushed her not to, or she was going to choke harder.

“Jason said it would be fun!” I remarked, frowning at the opposing results we received.

Melanie glared, finally stopping to cough and calming down. I guided her to breathe in and out. Her face was flush red still though, close to the colour of our bloodshot eyes. I suppressed a chortle at how silly we were.

Melanie tried her best to glare, but she didn’t need to as her bloodshot eyes were already concerning. “Jason’s a crackhead. Who listens to him?”

I chuckled. “Us, apparently.”

I got up to bring her a glass of water. Melanie mumbled ‘thanks’ and chugged down the liquid as if it was her first glass after a long trip in The Sahara.

“Mum wouldn’t believe I’m her same daughter if she saw me with this joint between my lips,” she stated.

I snorted. My joint died as I left it on the ashtray, so I re-lit it. “Neither will your dad or my parents,” I replied as I hugged the roll with my lips, clicking my lighter.

Melanie grimaced. “Dad’s another story. Please, let’s not let him know.”

I nodded, dismissing the topic for her comfort’s sake, but I knew Ryan was bound to know and reprimand us. I relaxed my back on the wall and opened my arm for her to cuddle closer to me. Melanie accepted my invitation and rested her head on my chest. My fingers automatically went up to comb her shoulder-length auburn waves. The new haircut suited her well. My fingers’ movements through her soft hair always managed to make her relax—not that she needed to after what we had smoked.

“Almonds,” I guessed then pecked the crown of her head. “You’re using an almond shampoo, Angel.”

She giggled and looked up at me. The mix of blue eyes with redness around them was concerning, but I wouldn’t let her know. “Correct, finally. Guess weed does have benefits that awaken your senses?”

I nodded, sweeping a few wisps away from her face. Despite we regretted listening to Jason and tried weed, I’d never regret a moment or a new experience lived with Melanie. I had watched her curious expressions when she wrapped that roll and took a drag. She choked first, succeeded a few times, then she failed again. Having dated her for almost four years but still learning new things about her was something I enjoyed.

I looked down at her, memorising the way her cheeks rose when she smiled at me. A smile so wide only ever given to me. “You look too beautiful for my heart to take tonight.”

She wrapped her arms around my torso and pecked my chest. “I love this setting under the moonlight. Compliments your lovely grey eyes.”

If only she knew how much more it complimented her eyes, which dilated as I gazed into them. I hugged her petite body back and pulled her closer, eliminating any space left between us. “You’re my euphoria, Melanie. This weed doesn’t make me feel as closely high as when I am happy with you.”

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