24-she knows

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"where is the idiot anyways?" she heard bucky ask as Alex  made her way to the living room. "I'm right here" she said and bucky laughed "surprisingly enough I wasn't talking about you this timebut glad to see you back" he said and the girl smiled.

"we are waiting for parker, we decided to watch a movie" sam said from the couch "oh and welcome back" he said steve nodded "welcome back".

Wanda and Natasha just walked into the room holding big bowls of pop corn "Lexi! You're up" Wanda said excitedly.

The two girls Hugged her after putting down the bowls. "want to join watching the movie?" Natasha asked and Lex nodded, she took a seat next to bucky on the couch who wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

The two girls sent each other a look before also taking a seat on the couch. Peter walked in as well "we were starting to think you died" sam said and peter laughed. "sorry it is a long way up from the basement" he said taking a seat.

"what were you doing in the basement?" lex asked him "testing out some new webshooters, they are awesome I'll show you tomorrow" he said and Lex nodded before the movie was started.

It was only 4pm but for Alex and Bucky it felt like midnight. Alex was already half asleep against him. Bucky noticed and nudged her awake a bit "want to go to bed?" he whispered and the girl nodded.

"Me and Alex are going to bed, jetlag you know" Bucky said standing up, Alex was sitting on the couch looking infront of her with a tired gaze. "Let's go doll" Bucky said helping the girl up.

"goodnight guys" she said waving at her friends before the two of them made their way to their bedrooms, Bucky had his arm around her waist to help her.

"DOLL?!" Natasha sam and wanda asked in unison. "something definetly happened between the two of them, I mean did you see how he helped her walk" Steve stated.

"well if that wasn't clear enough the big as hicky on her collar bone is enough prove" Peter said casually and the group looked at him with wide eyes, "oh you guys didn't see it?" he asked and they shook their heads.

"take a closer look tomorrow it is huge" Peter said with wide eyes. "you owe me 20" steve suddenly said making sam groan. "did you guys bet on this?" Nat asked and steve nodded taking the twenty from sam.

"he said they wouldn't do anything on vacation I said they would" steve explained. "pathetic" Nat mumbled. "what? it is not like you guys didn't suspect anything" sam accused them.

"he is right nat, we did put a pack of condoms in her suitcase with a note saying 'get him tiger'" Wanda said with a laugh.

"you guys really went there" peter said and the girls nodded. "see us betting on it isn't so bad they are worse" sam said pointing at the girls.

"well Tony stark is the worst, there is a reason he sent them on that mission together" Peter mumbled "WHAT!?" Nat asked with wide eyes. "I said to much again" peter grumbled.

"I knew they would be something because they always have been something" steve suddenly said putting some pieces together. His eyes were wide in realisation "what do you mean?" Wanda asked.

"you guys know I saved bucky right, well before he went under ice he begged me to save 'the girl' I think that girl is Alex" he said and natasha nodded. "they knew eachother before Lex told me she remembered his face" Natasha said and Wanda nodded.

"Yeah and she is wearing his necklace" same cut in. "Tony knew they knew each other he was mumbling something about the Voodoo and the wintersoldier being written on a box coming from hydra" Peter said again way to casually

"What was written on what?" Steve asked. "The voodoo and the wintersoldier on a box from hydra" Peter repeated.

"Let's not tell them we know, and see how long it takes before they come forward themselves" wanda said and the other four agreed not wanting to push the two to tell them about their shared traumatic past


They made their way to their rooms and waved goodnight. Alex got undressed and put on the shirt Bucky had given her that first day. It still smelled like him and it comforted her. The shirt was big enough to cover half her ass and she deemed it okay.

She walked into the bathroom and was met with bucky. He gave her a small smile before putting his toothbrush in his mouth. She did the same and they looked at eachother in the mirror in a comfortable silence.

"goodnight Al" bucky said after putting away his toothbrush "nigh'" she said around a mouth full of toothpaste and the soldier walked into his room.

Alex spat out her toothpaste and looked at herself in the mirror, the shirt was big on her and the collar slumped down a bit revealing a big hickey she hadn't noticed before.

She pulled the collar down a little and saw another one, she decided to take a better look and removed her shirt.

She gasped at the sight, her breasts where littered with love bites and there where some on her belly and hip.

"JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES" she yelled and the soldier came rushing into the bathroom. "what- woah- what's wrong" he said cutting himself off and hiding it with a cough, he was pleasantly surprised at what he saw.

"how am I supposed to cover this?" she said motioning for the bruises that where above her chest and on her collar bone.

"uhm a shirt?" he said and she rolled her eyes "everyone knows I train in a tanktop they will get so suspicious especially the girls" she said and Bucky shrugged.

He had a smirk on his face, he was proud of the marks he made. "stop smirking" she said hitting Bucky with the shirt she was still holding.

"what you can't blame me you are standing here in only your panties and you are covered in my marks, you have to admit it has something hot to it" he said putting his hands up in surrender.

Two can play this game and be annoying she thought turning to face the mirror.

She looked at her body and let her hands travel across her abdomen and up to her boobs squeezing them. She felt the soldiers eyes on her "yeah they do kind of turn me on" she mumbled.

She grabbed the shirt and walked out to her bedroom leaving behind a shocked, and turned on Bucky.

That night she woke up screaming after yet another night mare. It was again about Marlo abusing her. She surprisingly enough didn't have any nightmares while in France.

Maybe it was because the soldier held her.

She thought about Bucky and if he might be awake as well. She took in a deep breath to calm herself before turning invisible and teleporting herself into bucky's room.

He was facing the other way so she couldn't see if he was awake or not she was about to leave but his voice stopped her.

"I know you're there" he said and turned around facing the girl who had turned back visible. "I could feel your eyes on me" he said before holding up his duvet as a silent invite for the girl to join him.

She walked over and slipped into the warm bed "also had a nightmare?" he asked and she nodded. The soldier pulled her against himself. "go back to sleep" he said kissing her forehead.

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